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Blessing & Breakthrough at Church

You’ve seen the Unabashed Praise swing flags before, but I made some again when Father put it on my heart for this lady to have one when she ordered a single swing flag. And He totally blessed her through it ๐Ÿ™‚

I just wanted to let you know how blessed I was when I received my swing flag on Thursday. I have just been walking through a war zone in an area of my life and was hurting and struggling the day my flag came in the mail. I got home that day and I felt like the Lord told me to go check the mail because my swing flag had arrived. I was so happy to find it in the mail box . My bad, painful, sorrowful day just turned into a very happy one.

I was extremely blessed by my beautiful swing flag Unabashed Praise. In fact I was so blessed by it (may sound strange) I just wanted to cover myself with it, so I did ๐Ÿ™‚

About a year ago I had been given a similar word about Mary sitting at Jesusโ€™ feet. So blessed by the scriptures you gave me and my absolute favorite thing that you put in the letter wasโ€ฆ this lifestyle of complete abandon to HIM is warfare. This is so huge to me because this is exactly what he has been teaching me in the last two years. Words canโ€™t really express how touched my heart and spirit feel by this wonderful gift that you and the Father have given me. All I can say is thank you from the bottom of my heart.

And a week later she shared another piece of her silk story…

I couldn’t wait to share this with you! Today at church I worshiped with my Unabashed Praise swing flag for the first time, I wish I could have had someone take a picture of me doing so ๐Ÿ™‚

After worshiping my heart out with my beautiful swing flag two people got up and began sharing to the entire church (which is unusual) how touched they had been by it.

One felt when I did this that the Lord was speaking to the church through me HE was dancing for them. Another person shared that everything they didn’t need left when I did this (in other words HE showed up). Oh yeah and after a woman came up to me and said something changed something shifted when you dance up front with the flag ๐Ÿ™‚

I can’t even begin to tell you what this breakthrough means. It is the war zone I had talked about in my last letter to you. I just wanted to share this with you because I felt it would bless you.

In the spirit much took place today and you got to be a part of that. I am hoping to send you a picture or video soon with me and my flag.

Great and mighty blessings to you

Bethel Music – You Know Me

View swing flags

18 thoughts on “Blessing & Breakthrough at Church

  1. Awesome story!!!!!! Great dance!

  2. what grace…….. wow

  3. Just beautiful !! Such beauty and grace when you worship with this flag !! Wow !!!
    Ushering in the beauty of HIS Holiness. When you worship you touch the hearts of those who need healing and breakthough and freedom in worship. What a blessing !!

  4. beautifully annointed. I see another flag for your other hand.
    when you watch the vid, there are several times when your other hand is moving just like it had a flag in it.

  5. God is working thru her…all I can say is wow!

  6. What a beautiful story, and lovely worship

  7. That was just beautifully graceful!

    That swing flag looks like the first one that I ever saw at that conference. The one that introduced me to Dyed4you. ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. I love how she embodies Unabashed Praise. How beautiful worship is.

  9. Worshipping with those flags IS warfare and it DOES change the atmosphere! It’s awesome to hear how the people in your church were blessed by being in the presence of Unabashed Praise ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. Beautiful!! I drape the swing flags over me also. I didn’t know it at the time I ordered, but am glad I went with them especially for that reason.

  11. awesome anointing on the dance

  12. Wow! Heather, thanks for allowing us to see a glimpse of you worshipping Him! It brought me to tears! At one point your free hand looked like it was tearing down walls! Many blessings!

  13. Beautiful and graceful. :’)

  14. This is what comes to mind when I watch…

    Psalm 18:33
    He makes my feet like hinds’ feet [able to stand firmly or make progress on the dangerous heights of testing and trouble]; He sets me securely upon my high places.

    God bless you Heather and thank you and Meghan for sharing this with us!

  15. I am so extremely touched by all these comments. Thank you all so much!!!

  16. Wow. I so want to dance. <3 Beautiful.

  17. This is absolutely beautiful and anointed worship!
    I was captivated by the movement in this!

  18. The day I received my “His Heart in Battle” scarf was exactly what I needed. I have been intercessing for my daughter and her husband but felt that something was missing. The first time I smelled the wonderful fragrance of this scarf my strength was renewed. I had been to a Holocaust march in Houston the weekend before. My chains of unforgivenss were broken after many years (50+). After hearing the testimonies of these “Treasures” who am I not to forgive the minor things I went through. The scarf renewed my strength for my battle in the war that is not of this world. As all people that go into battle, we do get tired of fighting that devil all the time. Thank you for making my prayer life, my dancing in church and most of all my Warrior prayers being strengthened by a scarf made with Jesus’ Love. Bless you and your “helpers”.

    [Note from Meghan see this testimony with pictures]

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