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Bursting Forth

My sister was visiting me when a BIG box of Dyed4you quills arrived from back Nickol at Prophetic Worship Banners who constructs the quill in the quill flags. Being a fellow worshiper, I handed her a set of quills to demo them for me – this was her first time using quills and I have it all on video (there’s a bunch more videos coming!).

View quills

16 thoughts on “Bursting Forth

  1. I am totally in love with these new flags and how they move! They are gorgeous and so forgiving/easy to work with. More focus on worship and less focus on the mechanics of the working the flags = AWESOME! <3

  2. Your sister did an excellent job praising with these. The flags make me happy, laugh and giggle. I really like these and I do burst forth in laughter! 🙂

  3. Absolutely beautiful! I love the flow!

  4. She looks like shes been doing this along time. 🙂 What is the name of the quills she is using? They are very pretty.

  5. Such joy & freedom!

  6. Random… This makes me think of a lemon drop.

    Love watching this worship! It just makes me feel good.

  7. Sweet worship! Thanks Meghan..these quill flags are so much fun and so easy to move with!!! Oh how pretty!

  8. These are beautiful Quill Flaggs and I ♥ watching her worship.

  9. beautiful, def from the tribe of Judah!!

  10. The flags are beautiful as is Leslie. She is so radiant and the worship just shines forth!

    Thanks for sharing with us

  11. The bursting Forth are my new favorites!

  12. Beautiful. The quill flags always make me feel peaceful. Maybe because you can go so much slower and still get that beautiful flow. Sweet peace.

  13. So soft and pretty!! I love them!!

  14. Although it was her first time using quills flags, this was very annoited. ^-^ I loved her smile! It reminded me of that of a child. I could see she is a worshipper at heart (because), while she was waving those flags it was like she was thinking: “Look Pappa, I’ve found a new tool I can serve you with, a new instrument I can give you my everything, a new way to worship you and tell you how much I love you!” It was precious and I know the Lord was pleased. Keep trusting the Lord. 🙂

  15. mm k, these ones are making me a bit weepy 🙂 they remind me of doves.. and they’re so gentle and beautiful.

    *air 5 to the lemon drop comment*

  16. So beautiful & precious ! Love the flow, its so sweet & gentle !!! Love them :o)

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