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Emissary of Light wing/voi combo

This is a fun, bright wing/voi combo made up of two 5mm semicircles with wings seams added to both and a pair of voi weights. I confess that tired arms (and not wanting to smack the dog) impaired my ability to get better video, but you get the idea 😉

The music is Casting Crowns Praise You with the Dance.

View semicircles / sewing services / voi

13 thoughts on “Emissary of Light wing/voi combo

  1. they are very pretty…

  2. OH YEAH!!! those are nice!!! Im so excited more people are getting them!! woo hooo!! They are so wonderful. I think those are my favorite out of what you have made! Meaning the “voi”. I love them!!

  3. Electric!

  4. i love the freshness of the color combo!

  5. Probably one of my favorites 🙂

  6. I really love those colors Meghan! I love the way the wing flows so beautifully.

  7. Swept away in the River of Life!! God is so great. Those colors are amazing!

  8. One of my favorite songs–those colors are so vibrant and joyful! Thanks for sharing! The thumbnail of this video is so passionate!

  9. Beautiful as usual! Sketch doesn’t seem to mind be close to the action! It actually looks like he is enjoying soaking in the anointing!!! 🙂

  10. Oh my favorite too! Until I see some more! haha They’re all my favorites!

  11. Very cool! You make it look oh so easy Meghan.

  12. Meghan, that was exactly the vision God gave me for those colors. My daughter is so excited and can’t wait to start using them. You’ve been a blessing to her and I thank you for your prophetic insight and the work your doing on God’s behalf. God bless!

  13. oh my goodness……… i have to have those!!! those colors are CRAZY perfect, comet-y and spectacular!

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