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Testimony & Dance

Jessica won these simple flags (made from a 35×84 with 2 flag seams added) as a Dyed4you Blog Giveaway. What was kind of fun is that she actually received the flags the night she heard the song Garments of Praise for the first time in a long time – it’s the song the Father had her dance to in this video after she shares her testimony.  I think you’ll be blessed by both her story and her worship – enjoy!!!

In the video she makes reference to a previous dance she did, which you can watch here if you’d like – it is beautiful too 🙂

Her dance begins about 18 minutes in and the song she dances to is called Garments of Praise by Robin Mark

Also during the photo slideshow at the end you’ll notice a number of Dyed4you scarves being worn (including by Jessica while she’s being shaved – there’s a scarf story on that one coming later). You’ll also see my hubby there giving shaving tips 😉

View 35×84 / sewing services

15 thoughts on “Testimony & Dance

  1. I just love this!!! I cry when I see it is is so beautiful. Can you please tell me what the name of the song/artist is that she is dancing to with your flags?

  2. @Jeanne – The song she dances to is called Garments of Praise by Robin Mark

  3. What a blessing to her to win your flags – What a blessing to you to have her use them for ministry like this

  4. Oh wow. That was so beautiful I loved seeing the end where you got to see the ceremony. That touched me more than words could say. It truly blessed me. That was amazing the dance was amazing. She is so anointed

  5. This has got to be one of the most beautiful testimonies I have ever seen. What an amazing revelation of God in her humility and grace. There is so much more that is still yet to be seen from her choosing to yield. This is glorious.

  6. Just absolutely beautiful!! I love her transparent humble heart. Made me cry all through out watching it. Thank you for sharing this…I am so touched.

  7. Oh my! What an AWESOME testimony! What a great witness!!!

    A beautiful dance!!!!!

    May He bless Jessica and Terry forever!


  8. wow. there is such great abiding beauty of spirit in the humbleness that Jesica so gracefully clothes herself with. I am getting a very strong impression that there is more fruit comming from this seed………..

  9. Really beautiful & powerful testimony and dance. So much peace, joy, and courage to share boldly the faithfulness and love of our great God. So much fruit blooming and so much more to be seen 🙂 Thank you for sharing.

    p.s…I JUST glanced and saw Karen’s comment! Yes, yes! So much more fruit to come!

  10. Beautiful testimony….made me cry at the beauty of it all. Bless y’all for sharing.

  11. Beautiful! You actually gave me a wonderful idea. I danced as a young girl (ballet). And now, at 56, with Multiple Sclerosis, with a cane, I can no longer dance. We have been trying to figure out how I can be a part of a dance team….THESE FLAGS!!!! I can sit while the others dance, and use the flags, moved by the Precious Holy Spirit!!!!! I’m going to start saving my pennies..

  12. Meghan, thank you so much for sharing my testimony…I had no idea, as I was walking through the dark days, or even as I was giving the testimony after coming out victorious on the other side, how much of an impact my story would have on other people. I am so humbled to be used as an instrument of blessing to all of you!!! Praise Yah!

  13. @Edie Witner…girl, get some of those flags and worship your heart out with them! That’s the best idea I’ve heard all day! 😀

  14. WOW.. Such a beautiful testimony, an amazing woman of God. Thank you for sharing!!

  15. […] through (including some from Prophetic Worship Banners). And you may recognize Jessica – who shared a testimony and dance in […]

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