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Birthing Silk Gift

One of the Dyed4you community felt led to get a surprise silk for someone else in the community – someone who had entered the Birthing contest back in January (she actually won one of the Birthing oils). When we spoke, we both agreed Kiara should have one of the Birthing {miracle baby} semicircles. Below is her story after she received it 🙂

All I have to say is WOW!!!! God is faithful. His timing is perfect. Truly, truly. He has it down to the tiniest detail!!

As many of you know, I had my second miscarriage a few short weeks ago. Now I have 2 little ones waiting for me in eternity. 4 days ago I had an encounter with Jesus and He showed me my little boy and girl in Heaven. They came running up to me on the beach yelling” Mama, Mama” they jumped up on me and said, ” Don’t worry Mama, we’re ok. Grandma (my mom) is taking care of us til you get here.” [read Kiara’s story from after her maternal grandfather’s passing]

It was an amazing vision.

Back in October, when I was pregnant with our second child, I had a couple people speak double portion and “twins” over me. I said, ” Oh no, No twins. I can’t handle that.” In November I had my first miscarriage. Then in January….same thing again, people were speaking double portion over me and twins and since twins don’t run in our family and since I was not ready to handle twins, I dismissed it again. I became pregnant in February and then in April miscarried.

About 3.5 weeks ago I was at a meeting and had double portion spoken over me AGAIN and I had another lady say she saw twins. This time, on my drive home, I repented for not trusting in the Lord and I said” Papa, if you want me to carry twins to fulfill your purpose that you have for me and my generations, I will do it.” Also, 2 weeks ago I read a promise on Elijah List from Kim Clement regarding the Lord returning double portion to those who have had children taken from them particularly with miscarriage. He spoke of twins as well.

Since that time, I have been feeling such peace. Although challenging at times, I am standing on His word to conceive before the end of this year and to carry to full term.

Today, I received my gorgeous “Birthing the Promise” silk from a wonderful mighty woman of God, Tami, who has such a precious spirit and so sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Thank you. Not to mention Meghan who is just so amazing and such a pure vessel for the Lord to work through as well.

So ……. I opened my package and tears just started to flow. I read the 2 page letter of promise that came with my silk……

one of them being Psalm 22:31 MSG

“Babies not yet conceived will hear the good news – that God does what He says”

Now, I have a few other gorgeous Dyed4you silks and I know that Papa always has a special image in each one of them that means something special for me.

SO…..I began searching. Almost immediately at the top just off center, I saw a tiny little turquoise blue smiley face. It almost looks like a tracing of an index finger with a smiley face on it. ( something that would have been done by my 4 year old daughter.)

Then I noticed that there wasn’t just one but TWO!!!! Right across from it….an exact replica of the first!!! TWINS!!!!

Then as I looked between, I could see an outline in a yellowish/green in the form of a cross with the turquoise blue going across the middle (one of my favorite colors by the way). BUT as I looked more intently, I saw it was an outline of JESUS!!!! I could see turquoise blue spots representing the crown of thorns, I could see a smile on His face, His arms outstretched and He was wearing a tiny turquoise blue cross necklace!!!

Which to me, represents His authority (the cross) Which He was crucified on for us but now He rules and reigns and He IS that authority and He gives that to each one of us to wear. To declare with boldness His promises.

Ahhhhhh….So much more to write. So much more stirring in my heart but I am continually amazed at how the Lord is so deliberate in the smallest of details. Just another reminder HE WILL DO WHAT HE PROMISED!!!

I wrapped my gorgeous silk around me like a little summer top. The colors are stunning!!! the lavender at the base of the silk is also one of my favorite colors as well. I slept with my silk over me last night and woke up with such an expectant heart not just for my promise, but for the promises the Lord has given all of you reading this. He hasn’t forgotten about you. The dream/vision is for an appointed time and it will not tarry!! (Hab 2)

I am thrilled, delighted, blessed, overjoyed, humbled.

I so look forward to writing of when we find out this year we are having twins!!! Pray y’all!!!! LOL!!!

Thank you again Tami, Meghan and all of my dear friends I have met via this ministry who continue to stand with me and just love on me. I count each one of you as a true, beloved friend.

Amen and Amen!!!

Let’s continue to be in prayer for ALL the recipients of birthing silks!

View semicircles

11 thoughts on “Birthing Silk Gift

  1. Beautiful. God is good all the time. Love the way she wears the scarf.

  2. oh what a beautiful story !! You are so beautiful and the plans God has for you. A hope and a future !!! So happy for you and what a blessing you are to me and so many others !! Love you !!!

  3. Beautiful testimony. Our Father is so very good. And I love that scripture, it too is beautiful and so full of promise.

  4. what a sweet testimony. Thank you so much for sharing. I am really looking forward to your testimony when the twins are born.

  5. You look BEAUTIFUL!!!! I love your testimony and I will continue to pray for you. Standing on the promises the Lord has for you and your family. The silk is Gorgoues, just like you. ♥

  6. You are just glowing in your picture!! Thank you for sharing your testimony! Looking forward to hearing more!

  7. Kiara, Your heart and faith are precious & you are completely beautiful inside and out!!! Believing with you for your twins and declaring full term!! I declare over you that you are a fruitful vine and your children shall be like olive shoots around your table & that once you conceive your vine will not cast its fruit before its time in Jesus name!!!

  8. Oh, Carrie!! Amen and amen!! And thank you to all of my precious friends for your comments also. Love you!!!

  9. […] I just posted about another Birthing {miracle baby} silk a couple days ago, I wanted to post pics of the Birthing […]

  10. May the Father bring forth your babies in his perfect timing, Kiara!

  11. What a beautiful touching testimony! I am so encouraged. I received the scarf named Proclaimer and I’ve been wondering lately how the word which was spoken into my life will be played out. This testimony reminds me that God is a promise keeper and we have to wait and trust in Him for our promise. And no matter what is going on in our lives He will see us through. Thanks for sharing.

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