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Birthing silk winners

Since I just posted about another Birthing {miracle baby} silk a couple days ago, I wanted to post pics of the Birthing {miracle baby} contest winners too so that we can remember to be agreeing in prayer for Father to manifest these children in the natural!

And below is one winner (the one from the Facebook portion of the contest) worshiping with her silks which our friend Nickol from Prophetic Worship Banners so generously added quills to as an extension of the contest!  What’s fun is that this semicircle was originally intended to become a pair of 45″ round quills 🙂 Father is SO awesome!!!

Thank you ALL for your continued prayers for each of these precious ladies and their families!

4 thoughts on “Birthing silk winners

  1. Love!

    I had hoped to add these to quills when I first saw them. Imagine how it felt when my dear friend won them and I was able to have them ready for her at our women’s retreat!

  2. Oh WOW!!!!! Standing, standing, standing with you sweet woman!!! Your seed shall be mighty among the earth!!! xo

  3. Lovely video, so very sweet. And still in agreement for these precious ladies and their husbands.

  4. […] the middle below you see one of our Birthing Silk giveaway winners (remember to pray for them!) and on the right you see a Dyed4you Blog Giveaway winner (see her story from the last time she […]

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