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Gift from Father & a Word for me

This is a fun testimony from a woman who got two leaders in her life a beaded ladies tallit as well as herself.  All three were incredibly blessed 🙂

She shares her testimony below as well as a word for me!

We were blessed when we received our prayer shawls. Each one was tailored just right, it was as if Daddy God himself gave each of us His special gift.

From the time each of us took our tallits out the packaging we felt the anointing and presence of Daddy God!

The personalized note was truly God breathed as we shared our love note from Daddy we were like little girls testifying of how everything stated was wholly accurate.

I know I speak on behalf of all of us as we are so grateful to Daddy God for your Kingdom Gift and calling, May Yeshua bless you and your family beyond measure. We love you and appreciate you!

Thank you for birthing God’s heart, may the Lord restore all and your deepest request be given you.

I may be out of line not sure but I feel that God is going to bless you with a new baby…. He says your birthings in the spirit have produced a supernatural miracle of a new baby. Please forgive me that is what I felt the Lord saying.

For those who remember my video testimony from the prophetic painting that Alison created for me, I mentioned baby(ies)… check it out 12.5 minutes in!  Waiting on the Father to see about this one, but I confess this is about the 12th word now I’ve gotten on it – LOL!  I got about 10 in the fall of 2010 and then none and now two in one week!?!? Oh my, Father what ARE You up to? 🙂

View ladies tallit

7 thoughts on “Gift from Father & a Word for me

  1. HALLELUJAH! I must admit I was like Lord you want me to tell her what? God is so good and we truly love our tallits and are so excited about what Daddy God is doing in and through you!

  2. Amen!!! <3

  3. What a blessing all around! 🙂

  4. Glory to God!!

    Hahaha, BABY!!!!! Yes, Lord! 😀

  5. Baby(ies)! Since I am a penitent gelding, that would truly be a miracle. 🙂

  6. Praise the Lord! He is so good and so AWESOME!

  7. YES!!!! BABIES!!!!! Amen!! 😀

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