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Kiss from the Father

This story is from a mother – former Aglow president – whose son bought her this 14×72 scarf.  This is a beautiful example of how Father likes to minister in those ways that are specific to each of us 🙂

This introduction to this story is compiled from what was shared with me via phone from her son after she’d received her silk.

To begin with, the inspiration for this silk was some marigolds one of the Dyed4you prophetic team members has highlighted to them. This point is worth noting because the recipient is an avid gardener and has a garden that is over 1 acre in size. So even the fact that the marigold is what prompted even that was totally prophetic, that it was through the flower that He spoke to her.

Additionally yellow is her favorite color. Anyone who knows Dyed4you knows you rarely see yellow as the main color in a silk (when blended with darker ones they tend to take over and yellow isn’t one of my – Meghan – favorite colors).

Her son shared that growing up it was just normal to see mom take someones hand and pull them out of a wheelchair and have them walk away. There were some folks that were traveling and it was getting icy out. She said let’s pray, so they got out of their car to pray for these people, the weather shifted, the sunshine came out, the icy melted and the folks went out their merry way. So signs and wonders were just a normal thing in her life. And she has been ministering her whole life.

Even he is a testimony, because he walked away from the Lord for 15 years. When He went back to church finally, he sat directly behind her so she wouldn’t see him. And she was sitting there and he sees her start having an agitated conversation with his dad. Basically what happened is the Lord told her, turn around your son is sitting behind you. And she said it is not possible. It is not time yet. He’s not ready to hear it. And the Lord said, “No, he is behind you.” So she was trying to get her husband to turn around and look. And he did finally and the son was there. So in other words, this is a woman who has a deep walk with the Lord. This is someone who has a high sense of discernment.

It is always fun to know that someone  who has walked for this long with this level of intimacy has been blessed by a silk. 🙂

With all that said, here is the letter from this precious elder:

Blessings to you. I have tried for days to write to you without crying, but I guess it’s not going to happen. Your letter was if the Lord Himself was speaking to me. The letter spoke of many things that He has spoken to me. He has called me “friend” for many years.

My relationship with Him is very deep and personal. I have always treasured the way He speaks and what He speaks. Your letter was so much of Him speaking that all I could do read and cry. And I cried because He shared with you how much He loves me.

As I read it to the children, I cried. As I picked it up to read, I cried. I heard His voice in the letter. I feel His love in the letter. It was a letter spoken by the mouth of God. Yes, He is my best friend and the love of my life. I depend upon Him with everything in my life.

Thank you for being the vessel that put the word to paper. The words have spoken to my heart and to my life. I will always treasure the words in my heart. The Father’s gift that you have is a real blessing. Thank you for allowing Him to use you.

God bless you

View 14×72

13 thoughts on “Kiss from the Father

  1. This is the greatest blessing of D4Y to me and it is that tangible reinforcement of how much you are truly loved. I am always encouraged and motivated to go deeper by testimonies of those that are friends of Yah.

  2. What an awesome story!! Abba is so faithful. I love how the words of the letter touched her so deeply and completely!!!

  3. Just beautiful! I love that He reiterates those things that He has told us. It drives home the things that He means for us to know and KNOW without a shadow of a doubt. He is so faithful. 🙂

  4. Just beautiful! I love reading these scarf stories. They show God’s faithfulness and his love for us.

  5. beautiful testimony!! it is my greatest desire to be a friend of the Lords also. how I love Him and the way He Loves…………….unlimited, unsearchable,undefinable, undeniable, leaves me undone.

  6. He never fails us, I love it that he used the flowers and the yellow knowing how it would touch her heart so completely.

  7. Our God is so good, and this just makes me cry for joy at how good He is.

  8. And as I read this I cried…

  9. I love the yellow. Just starting to follow your blog and read the stories! I love that gifts are free and that he is crazy in love with us and after our hearts! SO SO SO GOOD!

  10. Awww! That’s simply beautiful and precious to be known for your intimacy with Papa and for Papa God to be amazingly beautiful at every turn. I love how He touches His kids and how the very heart of Jesus touches those who read this testimony. Yup I teared up, this is beautiful <3

  11. What a beautiful story!! Just so like God, to know, to confirm, to love in ways that are so very intimate and personal!! The scarf is beautiful, but the complete anointing behind the story is breathtaking!!

  12. I love stories like this.

    Where else can we go to read this kind of stuff about how Abba confirms His abiding LOVE for us in so delicate and gentle a manner.

    God is exalted!

  13. I found a youtube video today with a young man dancing with these beautiful flags to War drums by Jake Hamilton. I was so taken by his worship and the beauty of the flags that I had to seek out where they came from. I just started to read the scarf stories and this one touched me ….it gives me hope that Jesus has a hold of my daughter and will draw her near to Him as well Also I love how God loves us so much that he knows us better than we know ourselves and tells us in ways we could never imagine!! I long to worship like the ones here with such beauty and elegance! I am inspired to worship Him is secret with scarves one day!!

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