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Music in the Park

Great picture of some students with a couple pairs of Dyed4you M (35″ Petite) quills and a pair of streamers that were not from Dyed4you.  You heard the teacher’s testimony of her Bold Passion quills, now you get to hear about them in use with the kids 🙂

I taught my students during dance camp some basic movements with my newly received Bold Passion quills and they instantly fell in love. They picked up the movements so quickly and easily. It was beautiful to watch. Not to long after they began learning how to use them, we were invited to a community event in a local park that was similar to an outreach praise and worship service.

Well, my precious babies said a unanimous and resounding YES to the invite when I presented it to them. Needless to say they did an amazing job ministering to the hearts to those in attendance. I love their precious nature, because it so easily helps prick the hearts of those watching, and then draws then in when they begin to see the power of the Holy Spirit move in and through them. They ministered beautifully in dance and with their new found love of the quills.

Thank you Meghan because not only have I been blessed by the quills, but my students were as well.

View quills

11 thoughts on “Music in the Park

  1. How wonderful! 🙂

  2. awesome!
    it would be wonderful to have video not just pictures, but it’s beautiful!

  3. Awesome pics!!!

  4. yes!!

  5. Yes, the video would have been a blessing for us to view, but I can visualize the children in the park praising and worshipping and ministering to the people watching. Just reading about it I could tell the Holy Spirit was in attendance at the park that day. Wonderful.

  6. Lord continue to pour into them the heart of a worshipper!

  7. It’s amazing how many people can be blessed by one set of quills, isn’t it?

  8. Love worshipping outside ! Blessings to you & your students, may the Lord continue to increase in youall !

  9. Worshipping outside is the best!

    Love seeing the children love on the Lord.

  10. Lovely!!!

  11. Cool story!

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