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Streamer at PFT

This is the River of Heaven streamer you saw on Friday, which I realized is 160″ not 144″ (oops!), which explains why it feels loooooooong 🙂

I have realized I love streamers and plan to make more and am prayerfully considering carrying a 108″ (3 yard) and 144″ (4 yard) version on the site. And if I do I will likely start carrying the rods for them simply for convenience.  You already can add a streamer seam to any scarf (the 14×72 and the special order 8×72 are the more popular sizes to do that to).

Anyhow, this is the 160″ streamer in use at Passion for Truth (my home church).  The young lady in the first video was using a streamer for the first time and had just picked it up 30 seconds before I started recording 🙂

She loved it so much she’s requested I make a couple for the upcoming Feast of Trumpets where the PFT Angels (as we call our youth dance team) will be doing several dances 🙂

Allissa (second clip in the video) enjoyed it as well, but of course she asked me a year ago if I’d consider carrying streamers… she loved it too 🙂

You’ll see Allissa spot me recording her… oops!  Worship paparazzi! LOL 🙂  I figure since our service is live streamed and posted on YouTube as well I’m not being too invasive… 😉

Very exciting weekend for Allissa and I – this is her first official weekend being part of the PFT family!  That’s right, expect more sneaky videos of her during worship because now she’s here every week!!! LOL 🙂

View special order

9 thoughts on “Streamer at PFT

  1. i love your streamers, I would imagine they are more affordable, yes? I love the way they flow. I am yearning to get back in this expression of worhsip, all we have at church narrow punie sp/ streamers, ribbons on stick. I have loved your flags but I can not afford them right now. I am barreling down on my debt. but i might be able to afford a streamer of yours. So any thoughts on price of them?

  2. @Marlene – Just for clarification – all the Dyed4you products are priced very modestly. This is my livelihood and I have made every attempt to keep things as reasonably priced as possible. I sell scarves that are created by hand and very unique at a fraction of what you’d pay for a mass produced version at a department store. Not to mention that they all come with a word. I say all that simply to give explanation so you can understand why things are priced where they are 🙂

    But to answer your question, I’m still praying over the streamer pricing but it will definitely be less than a pair of flags.

    I am also adding a new quill size, MR (a 35″ round quill), that I will sell singles of in addition to pairs. That will help get an adult flag into a price that is more attainable for folks on a tight budget.

    At the end of the day, the Father provides for what He wants us to have. He also tells me what to price things at. So I trust He’s coordinating all those things and we need only submit to His plan 🙂

    Bless you!

  3. interesting….. we do not usually see streamers at my home church, but today, there was a streamer flying……

  4. I love the worship and the streamers awesome

  5. Yes, love the way they flow too….it’s interesting, once you are hooked on worshiping with flags, streamers, quills…you watch these videos and your hands just itch to get ahold of it and go for it! Go God!

  6. I have been smitten with streamers since seeing them in a winter Olympic opening ceremony as a youth (I won’t even venture to say how long ago that was!). They are so captivating!

    Congratulations Allissa on beginning a new leg of your journey!

  7. The streamers are very pretty and Allissa so great to see you worshiping! 🙂

  8. They look like so much fun!! 🙂

  9. Awesome worship tool for those who have the anointing to use them

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