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Vacation with Jesus

A group of friends took a vacation with Jesus to celebrate one of their birthdays.  The birthday girl brought her XL quills (45″) – which were a gift to her earlier this year – and day and night, everywhere they went – they had constant spontaneous worship. At one point they were driving and suddenly “Spirit was so strong in the car…We had to stop for a praise break!!!”

Enjoy the video – there was a family that stopped and watched her worship and when the song went off they cheered and clapped! Praise shifts the atmosphere!!!  This reminds me of a recent post on my personal blog (if you’re interested) called Take Action in Worship (Psalm 134:2).

Oh and if you’re wondering what her friends got her for her birthday… I’ll give you a hint, it was from Dyed4you 😉

View quills

15 thoughts on “Vacation with Jesus

  1. Now THAT’S a Fruitful Vacation!!! I love it when the Spirit invades your space and the smaller the space the Better!

  2. awesome! I take mine kayaking on the river with me to take praise breaks on the beaches when we stop!

  3. These girls know how to party! Those are some amazingly beautiful quills too.

  4. I’ve done the spontance worship and it’s amazing. I will need to get my friends fellow worshipers to take part in changing the atmosphere.

  5. Love it. I love how the quills match her outfits.

  6. Changing the atmosphere where every you go awesome!

  7. :O WOW… This is awesome!!! 😀 My mind is filling up with new ideas! xD

  8. What fun! Oh, i’ll be asking Abba to have this happen with my roving pack of flaggers… hehe!! what a GREAT time!

  9. awesome!!!!!! beautiful!!!!!!!
    blessings to you and to blessed young lady that made my day!

  10. What a great blessed friendship they have. Definitely an awesome vacation they will not forget!! 😀

  11. Beautiful !!!

  12. I loveit!! taking it out on the streets where the atmosphere needs changing, taking it by force!! yeeeee haaaawwww!!

  13. Excellent! I love this! All excellent vacations include Jesus. 🙂

  14. I will have to say, that before this vacation I had never used flags before. I have a scarf that I would occasionally use for quiet personal worship!..The first time I used this flag was at our first stop. The awesomeness of His Presence that fell on me was breathtaking!!…I have a new found love for this type of worship. However, I do believe that these particular flags were a little overwhelming for me because of not having much experience using them. I do plan on looking into staring my own personal collection of streamers to get me started!!…Thank You Meghan for sharing these!!…

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