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Young Silk Addict

This isn’t the first time you’ve seen this precious face – this is Nickol  from Prophetic Worship Banners’ (who we partner with to bring you quills) daughter who you saw several weeks ago passed out with Nickol’s furry mink fleece throw 🙂

Today, Nickol was giving a sneak peek of the unquilled Dyed4you silks I had sent her to quill for me to a mutual customer (and friend) via Skype. Miss Sam Anne was left next to them when mommy popped out for a moment to take care of business 😉 and she  returned to find this!  They had been all bagged and she pulled them out and draped herself in them.

When Nickol put them away, she cried! Which of course you  can’t help but crack up at. But hey, she’s a silk-spoiled baby!  She has her own little Jubilee silk (which is MIA at the moment) her mommy made her and of course lots of silk in the house at all times! Finally, Nickol had to give her a swing flag in exchange for the Dyed4you silks. LOL 🙂

But then… even after mommy put them back, she even managed to grab one again (picture to the left) for one last cuddle. Sneaky! 🙂

I figured you all would enjoy since so many of you have commented that you’d like to come roll on the silks on my couch – LOL!  Now you can live vicariously through this little one 😉

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20 thoughts on “Young Silk Addict

  1. How adorable! Who could really blame her for wanting to be covered by all that anointing!

  2. Oh my goodness… so precious cant wait to hold her again in a few weeks.

  3. Train her up in the way she should go! She’s such a little sweetheart!

  4. To be young and surround with love and silk. Lol. Makes me think. We should be that way with god. We should be surround in his love and grace. And always grabbing for more. To sleep in his presence hummmmm. Just makes me so happy. 😉 “For the joy of the lord is my strength.”

  5. This is darling. I love every one of your posts, Meghan. They always make me smile. My favorite way to start the day before leaving for work.

  6. wowee, blessed little SamAnne!! I cant even imagine how positively being surrounded by all that annointing is impacting little mighty warrior woman, Sam Anne. just look at her little face…. just think how she is gonna be when she can move with them, she will be so familiar the silk and annointing it will be like an extention of herself, moving with it naturaly and easily, with great confidence and joy! really really loving this!

  7. So Precious!!!

  8. this is prescious, I hope she receives all the words pronounced and prayed over these silks.

  9. This is really sweet and cute. Looking forward to the moment you post her flagging with silks! Doubt if it will be too long from now…

  10. how precious.

  11. The face of a true worshipper!! How Beautiful is the Face of him that brings good news!

  12. So cute!!!

  13. Oh my goodness! She’s too cute! I always find the small children recognize the spirit better than adults sometimes! She’s drawn to the glory of her heavenly Father! So beautiful!

  14. YES!! She has made real our wish!!! We are wrapping ourselves in silk with her!! 😛 So happy to read this post… She’s already a dancer and a worshipper at heart!! ♥

  15. Yes! At least someone gets to roll around in those beautiful silks!!! How sweet and exciting to see her ready to go! Ashely love the association–we should rest just like that in His presence!

  16. She is such a cutie!

  17. That’s what I’ve always wanted to do with them! 😉
    Sweet baby girl! You know Father is just lovin all over her and smilin from ear to ear as He watches that! Makes me smile just thinkin bout it! 🙂
    I need a LOVE button for your stuff! Lol!

  18. So, the picture of little one surrounded by silks is the one Papa kept reminding me of today as I drove to my interview..especially after I made a wrong turn and was nervous about being late! Thanks for sharing these pictures!!!

  19. Oh so cute and precious! 🙂 haha

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