Posted on 14 Comments

It Pays to Leave Comments!

Congrats to Ann Kelley who just won this pair of M Quill flags called Trained Hands (which you’ve seen before when Amanda did a beautiful dance with a pair)!  As you know we encourage folks to leave comments (as well as subscribe) because we love to bless YOU – the Dyed4you Community with thank you gifts 🙂

Thank you to ALL who stay connected and encourage D4Y with comments and cover us in prayer!!!

The music is an original piece called Follow by a friend Steph Jones… enjoy!

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14 thoughts on “It Pays to Leave Comments!

  1. That is so cool!!!

  2. I like this song.

  3. beautiful as always. congrats Ann!!

  4. Congratulations Ann! 😀

  5. Have blessed shabbat

  6. AWESOME! Congrats Ann

  7. Congratulations Ann!!! Enjoy!!

  8. Nice…Congrats Ann….enjoy, and may He greatly annoint your worship!!

  9. Congrats Ann! May our Lord train your hands for all He has prepared for you. 🙂

  10. Always beautiful experience!!

  11. Cogratulations!! ♥

  12. Just revisited this and couldn’t help but notice how beautiful that style looked against your silk hanging on the wall. ~sighing~ I love, Love, LOVE D4Y silks!!! I’m thinking that I’ve developed an addiction to watching them! Lol! 🙂

  13. How beautiful, I am new to this site. I love the ideas here. I am praying that one day I will be able to have some of these lovely worship things.

  14. How blessed I am to have won, the silk. I look forward to using in in worship. The video is a wonderful idea.
    May you be blessed for your generosity.

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