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Last Dance from Feast of Trumpets Conference

This is last of the dances from Feast of Trumpets conference. You’ve seen the youth dance and (for lack of a better description) the grown up’s dance, now you get to see the PFT Angels (ie the kids) dance!  You’ll see several streamers (two 4 yard ones which you’ve seen before and one special order 160″ one you’ve seen before also) as well as a special order 6 yard billow and a couple M quill flags – all that Dyed4you goodness mixed with some serious preciousness make this an enjoyable watch 😉

View special order / quills / streamers

11 thoughts on “Last Dance from Feast of Trumpets Conference

  1. Oh, wow, this was… I don’t even have the words for it in English!!! I felt like I was there watching them but at the same time, worshiping as one of them…. as one of the children of Pappa. No words can truly express the impression this has had on me…

  2. I’m with Linette…. Oh, wow…

  3. I don’t know how I’ve missed the fact that you make billows!!! It’ is beautiful. My students have fallen in love with billows at a Dancing For Him conference. Hmmm….I feel an order brewing 🙂

  4. I am in love – that is all I can say!

  5. They truly enjoy what they are doing – I have watched it 5 times and am in awe!

  6. 🙂

  7. I love their pure, innocent worship! Beautiful!

  8. Ditto to the above comments….the girls have such lovely smiles on their faces. What a joy to watch this. Wish I could have seen it live. 🙂

  9. amazing angels love watching you guys my lexi does to she looks up to you all an wonted to let you guys no that. your worship is a whitnes an Yahweh is yousing you guy in a very BIG way an the banners an stermers added so so much more how can i explane it was like you guys where one in one moshin in the spirit love you all love an shalom:)

  10. Wow!! This was absolutely wonderful. They all looked so peaceful, and serene. There was a type of reverance in the dance. Absolutely wonderful..

  11. There really are not words to say what I saw! just WOW

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