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Provided For L Quills Layered with MR

Loved getting to see this fun video with a pair of Dyed4you L quills called Provided For that Nickol has layered with a pair of white MR quills from Prophetic Worship Banners (as well as the streamers and billow which I presume are also from PWB). So beautiful!

Music is from Bethel Live – I Love Your Presence. Enjoy!

Small disclaimer – I watched the worship, but have not watch the message at the end!

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11 thoughts on “Provided For L Quills Layered with MR

  1. Beautiful!!!! Love the full look of the layering. Beautiful, Meghan & Nickol ;o)

  2. I loved the Billow that was so cool. I am putting a billow on my wish list. I can see one over my bed. =)

  3. Jeanne, I had a billow mounted in my living room for Samantha Annes birth. There was an amazing presence that day.

  4. Thank you for sharing such a sweet worship time!!! The flags were amazing, but I loved watching others getting up and standing under His banner of love!

  5. Wow this is just beautiful. Looks like everyone was campin under the billow so cute! 😀

  6. whoa….my heart jumped as the first billow floated up…..I wanted to be under that too!!!!!! Whoa!!!! Go God…I love Your Presence!

  7. Just Beautiful.. The billow was Gorgoues, took my breathe away. thank you for sharing

  8. bumps, bumps and more bumps, goose bumps!!!

  9. wow BBEEEAUTIFUL O.M.G its like we can see the spirit in the fixcal in an apone we praise you father abba agin can i say beautiful love an shalom

  10. just so beautiful. so, so very beautiful. the song… the quills. my how I needed this today. (here come the tears)

  11. Wow, this is so priceless and beautiful! I was so touched by this!

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