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10 y-o and a pair of 2XLR

You’ve seen these beautiful special order 2XLR quills before (see the demo) and you’ve seen this young lady before as well (her beautiful mom is who is singing – you have seen her before too). Love how these quills move and love to see her beautiful heart in action 🙂

This is a clip from my church – Passion for Truth (see more D4Y in action at PFT)

View quills / special order

13 thoughts on “10 y-o and a pair of 2XLR

  1. gorgeous!!!!

  2. Wow! It actually took me a full 2 minutes to realize that it was a child with the flags, silly me! She is so beautiful with those quills! Beautiful voice mama has too!! <3 How blessed you are to have such a beautiful house of worhip!

  3. Just beautiful could so feel the annointing love this you see such beauty from our Father in this

  4. So precious in His sight.

  5. so graceful and beautiful

  6. This is incredible! Absolutely moved to my core! Just…wow.

  7. wow, what an annointing!!

  8. Let the children dance. How precious.

  9. She is a beautiful worshiper.
    How much room do you have in your sanctuary??? I’m jealous of the space!

  10. just so beautiul love an shalom an yahweh bless you guys

  11. So pretty! 🙂

  12. […] 10 year old friend who you’ve seen before (see her with 2XLR quills) with a pair of M quill flags called Bondage Breaker.  These are powerful! Also see a pair of them […]

  13. Beautiful. And such a sweet spirit in her and from her! 🙂

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