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Righteous Warfare

Ready for a visual feast? How about the new Righteous Warfare style in a pair of regular and large swing flags, LFH (large flame-edged 8mm weight) quills (which are special order),  a pair of 4yd streamers and a pair of 35×84 voi! Love this style in each of these worship tools 🙂

Let’s start with the LFH quills since they’re a special order item and this is the first time I’ve done them.  The flame edge is created pre-dyeing so it is dyed to match and looks beautiful *if I do say so myself!)

Next we have the pair of 4 yd streamers – note I have the gradient of colors going opposite directions, which I thought came out pretty cool 🙂

And we have the pair of 35×84 voi

Finally the swing flags – regular on top and large below

View quills / swing flags / streamers / voi / special order

22 thoughts on “Righteous Warfare

  1. MY FLAGS!!!!!! <3 <3 <3 Meghan!!!!! You look so amazing with all of them!!!!!!!

    BTW My Swing flags have earned me an interesting nickname at church, "Warrior Princess" lol 😀 Thank you SOOOOOOO Much!!!! <3! LOL Did I mention I love them?

  2. I <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 the LFH quills with the flame edges. I also liked the music. I could have used those this afternoon! 😉

  3. Love, love, love the flame edge quills!!!! Awesome!! 😀

  4. Gorgeous, as usual!!!! 🙂

  5. To God be the glory, forever and ever!!!! Such an amazing way to worship!

  6. Wow breathtaking

  7. Soooo beautiful!!!

  8. Will be ordering these swing flags soon…..Im dreaming about them and cant wait to do warfare with them!! 🙂

  9. Love the comparison, and might I say you are getting better! (with your flagging, not the dying, it is always beautiful)

  10. love the flame edge quills, but also love the regular swing flags…(actually love them all). The Voi s flow so beautifully. But I especially loved the Regular swing flags, the music you chose……WOW……

  11. wowwww!!! youve been beze just amazed so beautiful……… loveum love an shalom 🙂

  12. These are so magnificent and powerful!!!

  13. i love seeing so many different styles of silk with the same named silk! How awesome!!

  14. You always do such a wonderful job! You are so gifted and bless us all!!!

  15. Might warrior, Thank you for sharing your gift.

  16. I really, really like this style!

  17. Love the quills!! So very pretty!!

  18. Ok, I had to come and watch again, and I have to say that I was left a bit speechless by the voi, they just look so incredible!!!! Blessings Meghan!

  19. These give me chills! I love the fire 🙂

  20. Meghan I am IN LOVE with these Righteous Warfare swing flags!!! My spirit JUMPED in response to the video of you worshiping with them! The FIRE of The Holy Spirit just swirling all around you…Holy purification by FIRE!!! That we should be holy because HE is HOLY! I HAVE to have them! Jesus said He wanted to “surprise” me….are THESE the ones He wants me to order? (HOPE….:D)

    ps I’ll accept a mischevious “maybe” lol

  21. Fresh Fire 🔥🔥

  22. I’d take a pair of vois.

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