Posted on 11 Comments

Dancing at the King’s Feet

Heather-SealedYou all may remember the last time we were blessed to see this silk recipient dance (if you missed it, you can see it here) – so lovely to watch! I love how each of us is anointed to worship in a unique way.  This time she is ministering with a 35×84 silk named Sealed (which is the same style – though in a different pattern – as the one used in Swept Away), but first here’s her testimony:

I just wanted to share how blessed and touched I was after receiving my silk “Sealed”. About two days before receiving it I had started listening to Mike Bickle’s teaching on the Song of Solomon. The one scripture that had grabbed a hold of my heart was the Song of Solomon 8:6. I then began meditating on it and seeking the Lord’s heart about this scripture. So, I was tickled to get my silk and read what it represented.

I am so looking forward to going deeper with Him and disappearing into the “secret” place with him. I absolutely love worshiping with this silk. You can be very creative in how you use it during worship. But, my favorite thing about it is what is represents and when I worship with it I can feel the intimate message that it tells His bride.

I am challenged even more these days to wholeheartedly pour out my adoration for him. To worship Him no matter what is going on around me. I am His and He is mine! What an amazing relationship we get to have with the King of the universe. Will He find us sitting at his feet?

View 35×84

11 thoughts on “Dancing at the King’s Feet

  1. Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow! I know I am excited! I can totally see how much you are really in Love with Jesus. Such beautiful beautiful worship!!!!!! Blessed me so much!

  2. Totally on Fire for God. So beautifully done and yet Undone! Loved it.

  3. Beautiful……Pure worship!

  4. This is wonderful!

  5. Thanks for sharing! How awesome and beautiful!

  6. Simply beautiful!!! 🙂

  7. Beautiful worship with a beautiful silk. You can tell how you worship the Lord with your whole heart in this. May you continue to glorify the Lord as you dance before and for Him.

  8. just breath takeing so beautiful yahweh yahshua bless you an his shalom covers you :)love an shalom

  9. Thank you for all the lovely comments!

  10. so graceful and annointed. His ballerina!

  11. WOW!! Love her story. Loved to watch her dance, so anointed. I could feel his presence.

    This was just Beautiful to watch!!

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