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Covered by Blessing

Vanetta-CoveredByBlessingIt’s always fun to get to see Dyed4you silk recipients with their weapons of worship in their hands!  This pair of regular swing flags is called Covered by Blessing – they actually have Hebrew lettering on them too. So pretty!

Here’s what she shared about her flags:

Oh my! I would have never expected ‘Covered by Blessing’ from the Father! To be honest, I was expecting something similar to ‘Passion Fire’ (which I love and will be buying next), ‘Holy Fire,’ or ‘Warrior Princess.’

As I meditated on His message, He began to show me that being covered in His blessing is to be covered in “I AM.” He explained this by applying the Hebrew version of His name, which is “Hayeh”. He described it this way because this name begins and ends with the breath letter Hey. For me, this means to be ‘covered’ in…….the WIND of G-d, the GARMENT of G-d, and the BLESSINGS of G-d.

I began to realize that the blessing and inheritance was Him! Not any particular calling, gift or anointing. All that was spoken through you and your team confirms where I am in the Father. I have been completely reconciled to Him with no more hindrances!

*When the flags are in motion, they look like outer space. I understood that He was showing me that His love and His blessings are ‘limitless’. Daddy has the most amazing way of revealing to us that we are His most treasured possession.*

Thank you for allowing G-d to use you!

View swing flags

12 thoughts on “Covered by Blessing

  1. WOW I could watch her all day, you can feel the Holy Spirit moving awesome 😀 <3 Love the deep colors really does look like space 🙂

  2. That was absolutely wonderful! Beautiful testimony.

  3. beautiful, 🙂

  4. Whoa! Beautiful! I can see though why you were expecting something like “warrior princess” you worship like me… go hard haha!

  5. awesome…you go girl! I absolutely love seeing worship with flags in the Fathers outdoor cathedral!

  6. Wow!!! Passionate and captivating worship from His beautiful daughter…. I was blessed by your worship. And I love your flags… They are like an open portal to the spiritual realm. Thanks for sharing!

  7. You have a powerful anointing for warfare. No doubt that the atmosphere changes when the Holy Spirit calls you to worship.

  8. Marvelous!!! The flags were beautiful and the Eagle in the background was so prophetic:)

  9. YES! I agree with Kristy and seeing you go ALL OUT in your worship and how blessed you make the atmosphere around you! Continue to evict the darkness and welcome in HIS LIGHT and PRESENCE! Had to do some shouting after that powerful worship! May blessings
    overtake you!

  10. I love her passion & her talent! This is so inspiring to watch, and I love how–as always–Abba has given a word that has opened this woman’s eyes & touched her soul. Thank you, Father!

  11. from deep down in my belly, WOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOO WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!

  12. Breaker anointing! Love it!

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