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Covered in the Storm

RochelleThis 35×84 silk called Covered by His Feathers that had tassels added truly blessed its recipient upon its arrival. I’ll let her tell you the story herself, but let me just say we serve an AWESOME God whose timing is impeccable and love for us is beyond measure!

Here’s what she posted on our Facebook page after receiving her silk:

I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!

You are A-M-A-Z-I-N-G-L-Y gifted by God and His timing is impeccable. We had tornadoes here last night and I kept claiming His protection over us and He provided an amazing sign in the heavens during the storm. Then this morning, we go out to the mail box and my “Covered By His Feathers” scarf was there waiting for me!

Our mail has been really, really crazy so don’t know if it was in our mailbox during the storm or if it arrived early this morning. Either way, His Word was prophesied over us and showed itself true. Yesterday was my birthday and I went and bought a scarf charm so I’d have it when my scarf arrived. It’s a perfect match! And the scarf does movements that ONLY the Holy Spirit could orchestrate…. I am in AWE. Did I mention that I LOVE YOU?!?! Thank you!!!!!

LOL – I love how Father touches people in the Dyed4you Community! A little later she shared:

…found out it WAS in my mailbox all during that storm yesterday (which was also my Birthday)… The Holy Spirit told me that His Word (Psalms 91) was permeating our property all night long… that’s why our yard didn’t even have a leaf off the trees where everyone else had fences down, hail damage, etc. God is AWESOME!!!

He is so faithful! Here are some precious shots her son took while she was in her secret place of worship. The birds provided my music… she said it was incredible 🙂

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View 35×84 / tassels

16 thoughts on “Covered in the Storm

  1. WOW. God’s timing, as always is amazing. And thank you Meghan and team for listening to Him so carefully.

  2. What an amazing story of YAH’s protection and love for us! 🙂

  3. Living in Oklahoma, I can sure appreciate this testimony! Weeks ago before the Moore Tornado, the Lord had me praying Psalm 91 over my family, church and friends….even tho, extreme destruction occurred in Moore….my family in the path of the storm the day before were unharmed and their homes unhurt. The Word of God is Yes and Amen! I believe all of creation is groaning for the return of Jesus, Our King! In the midst of the Storm, Jesus said….Peace Be Still!

  4. awesome!!!!!!!

  5. I saw Rochelle worshipping with it at church… And it was very lovely. Her story makes it even more lovely. Such a pretty silk!

  6. God is soooo good!

  7. Love the pictures of her totally abandoned worship!!

  8. The pictures&story are awesome!! Gave me the goose bumps!! What a mighty and awesome God we serve!!Scarf is beautiful ofcourse as always!!

  9. The testimony is beautiful, the scarf is beautiful but my God is simply amazing. How He brings all things together for those He loves at just the right moment in time.

  10. whoa – i saw the icon for this silk and thought “this would be a good one for today, since they’re calling for a derecho in the midwest” and right after that I read the beginning of the testimony.

    WOW… i love all of your work and this one seems to be in its own category. is this a new silk? stunning!

    1. No – this is one of our popular styles 🙂 Been around for a few years!

  11. beautiful silk and an inspiring, faith building testimony. praise Jah for his faithfulness!

  12. Wowza! What an amazing testimony!!! Praise God that you guys were all safe and protected! Hallelujah!!! I have to say this silk is simply breathtaking! Love it!

  13. Abba is so good…..

  14. wwooww what a awesome testimony Yahweh an Yahshua bless you an keep you an his face shine opon you he is are covering for sure love an shalom

  15. WOW!! This is an amazing testimony!!!

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