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Deep Worship MW

DeepWorshipMWA beautiful pair of MW (medium wing) quills called Deep Worship. You’ve seen this style many times before: as a 3yd streamer, a 22×72 scarf, as a 21×21 scarf on a future D4Y customer, and as a 22×92 scarf… just to show a few 🙂

The music is from Jimmie Black

View Deep Worship / quills

9 thoughts on “Deep Worship MW

  1. I love the blue trimmed with purple!!! Meghan, your gift of dyeing is both anointed and amazing!! So pretty this pair!

  2. I can watch you all day! 😀 you do flag worship so beautiful <3 Pretty colors so anointed 😀

  3. Mmmmm I feel so peaceful watching this. You can absolutely see how much love you have for the Father. Thanks so much for sharing!

  4. God blesses you in making worship flags, you bless people who buy and use them, and they worship God and bless him it is a full circle.

  5. Amen…. love the flags…someday I will get wings! I absolutely love the name and the colors!

  6. peaceful, beautiful worship. simply stunning flags; they are reminiscent of both water and the heavens. like worshipping in the river before the throne of God (or something like that, lol): peaceful and full of joy. thanks for sharing 🙂

  7. Fresh winds of the Spirit blowing and moving! Refreshing, strengthening, restoring and washing all the debris from this world off to be able to focus on Him! Love 🙂

  8. like floating on a deep wide current of Abba’s deep places

  9. So beautiful, really in love with these! They tug at my heart 🙂

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