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Giveaway Quills

EveryCaptiveFreeMRThis week when someone in the D4Y Community placed an order, they purchased a pair of MR quill flags (named Every Captive Free) and asked me to use them as a giveaway! Father had me have this individual numerically pick one of the existing comments to choose who should get them. A comment back in 2012 was the winner (it happens to be one of Dyed4you’s prayer team members, Linette) and the flags are shipping today – so excited to hear the rest of this testimony as it unfolds!

What is also fun is that the person who purchased this gift had someone purchase them an anonymous piece of Dyed4you Art a while back – I love how the Father works!!! How fun to see you all – who don’t know each other – feeling led to bless one another 🙂

If you don’t know how giveaways work – find out more here!

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19 thoughts on “Giveaway Quills

  1. love this!!! Such a blessing!

  2. That’s awesome! 🙂

  3. This is AN ENORMOUS BLESSING… Thank you Abba Kadosh!!! You are SO GOOD! I CAN’T WAIT!!!!

  4. I love seeing the generosity of the Father flow through his children. SO cool!

  5. Love me some quills – hoping to purchase another set SOON 🙂

  6. what a fantastic blessing!

  7. I cannot get over how beautiful EVERY one of your pieces turns out. I think what you do is amazing, and I love reading your stories of how people are being blessed. What a wonderful talent and ministry God has given you. =)

  8. How exciting that some one would give a Blessing forward. I was lead almost a year ago to bless some one with my Crown of Glory swing flags and she blessed some one with one flag of the pair. So need to order me a new pair

  9. Awesome!!!!! May they bless both ladies!

  10. I would love to win a pair of quill flags. They are all beautiful. I think it would be amazing if you did a pair like that scarf you did a while back that had the purple and white with the Hebrew lettering. I think it was called Hamasiach. Or even do one called Shield of Faith. The quills would be perfect during worship at church. This gives me another idea of how we could reach out and bring the ministry to our community.

  11. Very pretty! Wow that is so cool that 2 different women got blessed. 🙂

  12. So cool! I love hearing about people blessing each other!

  13. So exciting! I love how generous you are Meghan..and how this whole Dyed4you community is too!!

  14. oh how fun! Thank you God that Your blessing and anointing rests on these flags……may the use of them as Linette worships bring a change into the atmosphere, and make the captives free!

  15. beautiful

  16. Such a cool blessing! And what beautiful flags… The purple is so intense and passionate… Father I ask that your anointing would flow through Linette as she worships and that strongholds would be broken off her and those around her as she dances for You! Every captive FREE in the mighty name of Yeshua!

  17. Awesome to see generosity flowing in the body of Messiah/Christ. Agreeing that Linette will be interceeding that EVERY captive will be free.

  18. I love this community, so much genuine love here…

  19. I know the name of those! My large banner flag is named Every Captive Free!! I’ll be ordering again soon.

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