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MW Quills on the Sea of Galilee

flagsongalileeYou got to see this mom using her MW (medium wing) quills called Revelation from the Throne before she left for Israel, but now you get to see them in use in Israel on the Sea of Galilee – she shares her story below (and video below that) 🙂

We are back from the Holy Land! Glad to be back in my comfy bed but missing the feeling of being in HaAretz. I wanted to share a few videos and pictures with you… My friend Samantha told us her mom said that floating on the Galilee was the most peaceful she had ever felt in her life. So we tested it and we agreed.

We had a short tour on a recreation of an ancient fishing boat. I get motion sickness very bad and as soon as I stepped on the boat… nothing. Being on the water was easier than walking! I never got sick on the water and it was the most peaceful I have ever felt in my life. I forced myself to sit down for the first song that was played and even had someone come up to me and say “can you get up and dance with those soon?”

SeaOfGal4I said I was waiting for the next song but I could barely contain myself. The next song came on and I got up and my husband got the video. Sorry for the noise it was kind of windy. Also because of the wind affecting the movement of the flags I had my back to the camera a lot but oh well. We continued worshiping and dancing.

I offered my flags to an elderly friend who has a history of music and dance performance but her body is deteriorating. She said she dances very well from the waist up. I pulled out a chair and made her dance with my flags. Even she couldn’t contain herself and soon stood up with them. It was beautiful for me to watch her. My husband got one more video of me and Samantha dancing, me with my flags and her without any but we are dancing the same steps. I thought it was beautiful that we could dance together and how the flags add to the affect.

SeaOfGal2 SeaOfGal SeaOfGal3

…When we ordered my flags I felt like God said “It’s time to order your flags so you have them for the trip, and so you can practice before you go.” So we did. Thank you so much. For God’s sake be blessed!

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18 thoughts on “MW Quills on the Sea of Galilee

  1. WOW!!What a beautiful story. Brought tears to my eyes as I read it. God is so good!!

  2. I wish I could have been there in person. I was crying during the video it was very moving. 🙂

  3. Such a touching story…I been there but did not have flags when we went…we rode on a boat similar to this one and played worship music also…it was a blessed trip to the Holy Land. Only pray if it is God’s will that I will be able to go back.

  4. This was so beautiful to watch!

  5. Wow. What an incredible place to have the opportunity to worship! awesome!

  6. beautiful, wow, what worship does……

  7. What an absolutely moving and emotional story!! I loved the part about where you gave the older lady the flags and by the end she was standing and worshipping with the flags too!!That is amazing!! Being in the Holy Land is a powerful experience in itself(I hope to visit there someday)Worshipping the Lord on the sea of Galilee is absolutely incredible and was very emotional for me to watch!! I loved how lost in God you seemed to be while doing the flag worship! I literally had tears!! God Bless You!!

  8. Thank you all so much. I’m glad this blessed you.

  9. WOW!! I cannot even IMAGINE what that would be like!

  10. One of my favorite D4Y blog videos ever!!! I’ve always wanted to go to Israel, and that just upped the “want to”…. You dance is both beautiful and bold. Thanks for sharing!

  11. Beautiful!

  12. I love it!
    ‘ Even she couldn’t contain herself and soon stood up with them.’
    That got me, right there.

  13. Wow so very awesome <3 I so want to go some day <3 Beautiful video <3

  14. What a wonderful testimony. The flags are so pretty and bold. This was a wonderful blessing. I, like many others, know what it is like to not be able to contain the dance that the Father has placed within you. Your worship was so pure: in spirit and in truth. I can only imagine the presence and glory of God that you all experienced as you worshiped and praised all across the Sea of Galilee. Blessings and thank you for sharing this lovely testimony. 🙂

  15. I am the “elderly lady” who couldn’t contain myself and had to stand up. 🙂 it’s all true. “Dancing” with the flags was an awesome experience. Galilee was peaceful and exhilarating all at once. I am praying to return to The Land again soon…or…if not…looking forward to being there with Him at the end, which is really the beginning. God bless you all.

  16. wowww just amazing yahweh an yahshua richly blees you guy woow love an shalom:)

  17. awesome!!!! so powerful and beautiful

  18. Wow! Such a beautiful worship story! Thank you for sharing it! The Lord has recently opened up this wonderful worship without words for me and I keep crossing paths with worship dancers and praisers! It is awesome! I sing and for many years felt that it was my only contribution to worship Him. How wrong I was! That is such a lie! We ALL have many many forms of worship within us! I can’t wait to order my very own swing flags! So exciting! Thank you again for sharing your story and your video. Loved watching your worship praise unto HE who is so worthy at such a sacred area! The flags are brilliantly colored and your adaptation is gorgeous to the words of the song. GOD BLESS YOU

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