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Passing on the Passion

VanettaDaughter-PassionFireThis is a pair of regular swing flags in the Passion Fire style (we just saw wings in this style last week).  This is the daughter of one of the D4Y Community borrowing mom‘s swing flags and man, can she get them going! It’s a short clip, so I did a second version of it at the end in slo-mo 😉

Here’s what mom shared:

…just wanted you to see that Adonai’s work that He does through you is advancing forward into the next generation. It will not end with us. You are leaving a legacy!!!!!! Remember……….. this is bigger than you think!!! Love ya and I haven’t even met ya. 😉

Amen!!! And may Father continue to increase this daughter’s anointing and ability!

View swing flags

9 thoughts on “Passing on the Passion

  1. beautiful and only can repeat what mum says:
    “this is bigger than you think!!! ” amen!

  2. AWESOME!!!!!!! May the youth go forth and Bring in Yah’s Glory to the world!!!!!!


  4. I so enjoyed watching this clip!! It is always a blessing to see the next generation engaged in meaningful worship and having a good time doing so!

  5. These are beautiful flags. Also, isn’t it wonderful how the Father seems to give similar giftings and anointings to families? Let’s us know that the generations after us, will continue in the Father’s will.

  6. LOL @ AJ. Haha! I love the little attitude at the end. Boom is definitely appropriate

  7. Ha! Impact! Bam! I am excited about the impact on the Kingdom that has and will come from that beautiful young lady and her family!

  8. beautiful

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