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Whole Heart LWH (Dowel)

WholeHeartDowelLWThis is a special order large dowel wing (8mm weight) in the Whole Heart style which you’ve seen before in swing flags. This was the first time I’d created a LW in the dowel variety (usually they’re quills). I’m using a 36″ dowel, which is shorter than the length the quill typically is, but it worked great and looks beautiful!

The music is Ariel Henry live in the Destiny Church Prayer Room

View special order

12 thoughts on “Whole Heart LWH (Dowel)

  1. So pretty… I love purple flowing in all directions. Sigh…

  2. Purple is my favorite color…loved how it moved and sounds…I think you have the best job in the world!

  3. Just fantastic, I love how it flows. Thank you!

  4. WOW, that’s incredible. Which weight is it?

    1. 8mm – great question!

  5. Oh how I love purple,,,, might just be my next color, when I save enough to get a swing flags, <3 The flags I just got are absalutly amazing & awesome, & You do have the best job in the world <3

  6. wing flags are my favorite style. these are beautiful; I absolutely love the weight and sound. Thanks for sharing 🙂

  7. Very lovely……Where’s your dog? He usually lays in the floor while you are doing your demonstrations…..He’s so calm lol……

  8. I love the purple too! My fav color! also like the snap it makes. Beautiful! May Abba Father continue to bless the works of your hands!

  9. 🙂 I adore that sound!

  10. love 🙂

  11. I loved hearing the sound of the wing..shifting the atmosphere!!! Definitely really like Whole Heart since I was part of gifting it to the first recipient… 🙂

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