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Melek Kabowd (King of Glory) XLH Quills

Allen-MelekKabowdThis is a pair of special order XLH quill flags called Melek Kabowd (which is Hebrew for King of Glory). You’ve seen video of these before – since they belong to my hubby and it’s him using them you’re likely to see them again too 😉

This clip is during one of our regular weekend services at Passion for Truth (PFT)

View quills / special order

6 thoughts on “Melek Kabowd (King of Glory) XLH Quills

  1. Wow was that anointed! I wish I had been there in person to see it! 🙂

  2. Awesome!

  3. Awesome flags. I saw some in the background too. Other flaggers staying in the back ground. I wish they too would come forward.

  4. Powerful healing anointing. I can sense the glory of His presence in my home even now. What awesome tools of worship!

  5. Omgosh so majestic! Everything about this video screams MAJESTY!!!! Thanks for sharing!

  6. I still watch this from time to time. One of my favorites ever made in the hands of a favorite worshiper 🙂 <3

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