Posted on 23 Comments

MR Quill Flag Giveaway!

MRGiveawayGuess what?!  Prophetic Worship Banners and Dyed4you are teaming up to do a MR (medium round) quill flag giveaway!  You get to enter by creating your own worship video!!!  All the details are below 🙂

All the details and fine print:

  • Create a worship video using flags (or even a scarf or streamer – some worship tool) that is at LEAST 30 seconds long.
  • Upload the video to YouTube (make sure it’s visible so we can see it and share it – just an FYI that by entering you are giving us permission to share your video!)
  • Include in your description of the video:
    • Who made your flags
    • What their name is or what their meaning is (if they have one)
  • Copy the link for your YouTube video and paste it into the Rafflecopter entry form below
  • Win extra entries by liking Dyed4you and Prophetic Worship Banner‘s Facebook pages and being added to our mailing lists
  • Entries close at 12:00 am eastern time 8/14/13
  • If you have questions, feel free to let us know!

Happy worshiping!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

View quills

8/15/13 Update – meet our winner!

23 thoughts on “MR Quill Flag Giveaway!

  1. So COOL! What a fun idea… I’m soooo doing this!

  2. Yeah! So question… How will the winner be chosen?

    1. Randomly through rafflecopter. As long as someone enters a valid video so their entry is legit. The entry will count 🙂


    My video begins with pantomiming dance and ends with me flagging. My Flags were made by Belma Baca and they are HOLY SPIRIT FIRE Swing Flags. I had a little trouble getting them going but never missed a beat

  4. Check out this video on YouTube:

    Got these flags from Nickol at They are named GLORY and are XL round Quills
    Sent from my iPhone

  5. What fun! Gotta get busy!

  6. What if we don’t have a youtube account? I suppose I can get one if I need to but I had originally been avoiding getting an account with youtube. Did you set up an account for us to use like you mentioned to me once? I am interested in entering this giveaway. Do Facebook uploads count as long as I follow all over criteria? Please and thank you. Amber

    1. Facebook uploads do not count and for this giveaway I wouldn’t want to have a community YouTube account. Sorry! YouTube is waaaaaaaay easier than FB for reposting it’s part of why its one of the requirements. Hopefully that clarifies!

  7. How fun is that?? Love this idea!

  8. How do we see the other entries?

    1. The plan is to post them later 🙂

  9. What a fun idea to show how people are worshipping on a daily basis. Three of us gathered together at my friends backyard a couple weekends ago to make flags and worship. My video captured our weekend together dancing before the Lord. It was a precious day. Check out our weekend on youtube…

  10. what does the 5/13 in the upper right hand corner mean?

  11. I do have a youtube account now, but not too sure how to do this yet…maybe my friend when she comes over can help me on this…oooh sounds like an idea ! I just don’t know how to do the youtube account yet…but I’ll figure it out awesome. I so want to do this 😀 Thanks Dyed4you 😀 !

  12. I do have a youtube account now, but not too sure how to do this yet…maybe my friend when she comes over can help me on this…oooh sounds like an idea ! I just don’t know how to do the youtube account yet…but I’ll figure it out awesome. I so want to do this 😀 Thanks Dyed4you 😀 ! seems it said looks like you’ve already said that? no I didn’t ! HHHMMM how come I can’t commit ?????

  13. awe ok there it is thank you 😀

  14. hahaha it did do it twice LOL ok ! sorry about that, I’m still new at doing things like this ! LOL Love this site !

  15. This is so awesome. Will we be able to see the other entries? I would like to see the other flag videos of all my fellow flaggers. That would be the fun part!!

  16. Hi Meghan! I loaded the video!!
    My flags were made by It’s All About Worship. They are called Spirit Wind. They were my very first flags….caused an addiction to flagging! Blessings!

  17. Finally entered! 🙂

  18. Whoo-hoo! Done in the nick of time!

  19. Hey Meghan, My hubby Mike entered his video also. I love that you’re doing this. Blessings!

  20. wow just awsome you you guys love al that i watched beautiful love an shalom:)

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