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Lion of Judah XL quills

LionFlagsThis is another set of gorgeous silks that were hand-painted by Margie Puckett of Unhindered and Unashamed.  These are XL quills called Lion of Judah – and they are truly stunning!  Near the end of the video you’ll see me making smiling faces and nods to the people who were mouthing “wow” to me – LOL!

Here’s a shot Margie posted of a similar pair…


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10 thoughts on “Lion of Judah XL quills

  1. wooowww your breath taking ive never got to see you worship at are church i absoltley loved it love flags to love an shalom

  2. I would so love to have a Lion of Judah quill flag!!! 😉

  3. I love love love these! Also love seeing you worship at your church! So anointed!

  4. awesome! awesome! and awesome!

  5. Lovely worship and lovely flow of the Lion of Judah flags… God Bless!

  6. Beautiful worship and beautiful you!! Especially the smiles. 🙂

  7. Those are very lovely. Thanks for sharing! 🙂

  8. Always a blessing to Meghan worship in dance!!! And those flags are regal!

  9. Will I be able to purchase that pair one day from dyed4you?

  10. OMGOSH!!!!!! Those are AMAZING!!!!!! I can see why all the wows…. Those are probably the best Lion of Judah flags I have seen, and i seen lots…. Blessings!

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