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M Quills Isaiah 54

M-i54Here you will get to see beautiful Meghan demo a pair of M quill flags. I’ve been looking to through all our blogs toΒ  try and find other versions of Isaiah 54 in swing flags and streamers hopefully but couldn’t. I’m trying to be patient with myself until I figure this whole system out and how to discover info even if it doesn’t show up. I actually just send off a streamer and a L pair of quills recently. Now I wish I would’ve taken a demo video of them.

Bottom line, it’s always a pleasure watching Meghan demo. I’m sure praying I’ll get half as good as her at flagging πŸ™‚

Music from IHOP-KC


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8 thoughts on “M Quills Isaiah 54

  1. Those are pretty. They look really light. πŸ™‚

  2. No worries, everyone has their own style of flagging and guess what? Abba Pappa vows everyone of them. It is the heart…. Seriously, when I first started conning to watch these vids you could tell Meghan was very uncomfortable doing the flags in front of people. Now, as she grew, she is so beautiful, fluid and anointed. There is so much joy advisable as the cares of the world fall away and she dances in the circle of her Fathers Arms.

    1. How beautifully worded, thank you Karen!!! πŸ™‚

  3. That was supposed to be loves not vows. It is too early for me for auto correct. Lol

  4. You’ll get it all figured out… and as far as being half as good as Meghan, don’t compare yourself to anyone else. We each have our own style haha. I think we all start out a little awkward because it’s new. You get more comfortable and you learn how your body moves best with each style of flag. That would be like me saying I want to be as good as allysa, sorry for bad spelling haha, but someone else wanting to be as good as I am. BTW I have seen you flagging and it Is beautiful….

    Blessings and Peace!

    1. Aww, you are too sweet Kayla! It sure encouraged me πŸ™‚

  5. isa 54 has spokin to my haert more ways then one love then maghan love an shalom

  6. doggys even in his shalom πŸ™‚

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