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Pastor Jim with Faithful banner flag

PastorJim_FaithfulThese videos are from a live worship service at Passion for Truth, Pastor Jim had been prompted by the Father to grab the rainbow banner flag – he actually shared a bit about his exchange with the Father for the congregation. Without knowing the name of the silk, Father was reminding him of His promises and how He is faithful to fulfill His word. Little did he know the name of the flag he was holding was Faithful 🙂

You’ve seen this style before as swing flags (in Cambodia and being used on ice skates), as a streamer, and as quills (XLR and L).

View banner flags

6 thoughts on “Pastor Jim with Faithful banner flag

  1. oh i wish we could be there all the time i just love are worship an seeing banners all over love love .love an shalom:)

  2. pasters goten pretty good ha 🙂

  3. I liked the one after he had given a message that used “fishing” as a touchpoint; when he was using the white flag and didn’t seem to realize that it was mounted on a fishing pole. I was talking to the video; “somebody tell him!!!” Somebody finally did! Always awesome at PFT.

  4. thank you for this so pretty

  5. Beautiful

  6. So cool that the pastor gets into flagging too!

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