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Nickol’s Flag Bag

NickolFlagBagOh my heavens – apparently our friend Nickol at Prophetic Worship Banners packs a LOT more flags in her bag than I do in mine!  In response to my flag bag post where I encouraged others to share what was in their bag, Nickol has opened her bag to us – she has silks obviously from Prophetic Worship Banners as well as Dyed4you and Unhindered & Unashamed. Additionally she has some from Standard of the Lord. You’ll enjoy seeing this phenomenal arsenal!

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6 thoughts on “Nickol’s Flag Bag

  1. ok, i just want to crawl into that flag bag and curl up with the Lord!!

  2. I was amazed at how many beautiful worship weapons she had in her bag!!!!

  3. This video was great.Wow I need to catch up with you all,lol.I have one pair or quill flags xlr and a pair of mr’s in the making.I also have two metallic flags in red gold and yellow on spin rods.My fav are the quills though.Unfortunately due to the size of the xlr flags I cant use them as often as I would like to at my fellowship but sometimes on less packed days or if I can find a seat towards the back of the church I have enough room for them.I also carry my tamborine.Do you guys carry and instruments beside the flag bags I was wondering??I sometimes praise dance with my tamborine as well.

  4. woooowww amazing love an shalom:)

  5. Love those black ones

  6. How beautiful…and my friends think I have too many……never!!!! I am greatly encouraged, thank you for sharing your amazing arsenal.

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