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Waves of Increase LWH quill

WavesOfIncreaseLWThis is one of the first quill wings I had the pleasure of flagging with when I became part of Dyed4you. It has been quite an experience ever since. You might have seen AJ in a video earlier this year flagging with one of these beauties and other styles during a worship performance dance. I personally love the feel of the wing as it flows around your face and almost kisses you lightly as you worship with it. It wraps around ever so gently as you dance for the Father with it 🙂

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3 thoughts on “Waves of Increase LWH quill

  1. Beautiful. There is just something about wings! All the flags are awesome, but I have to admit that I love my wings the best.

  2. Thanks for the video! I agree the wing quills are beautiful!

  3. Wow simply gorgeous! Such a beauty to watch! One day I will own a pair, but for now I’m there in Spirit 😀 So gorgeous and how amazing it must be to worship Papa with a set of those, it’s almost like you can see and feel more of His embrace when you see someone worship with wings rather than a standard flag. <3

    Papa Bless you richly

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