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Tied together

Tied_togetherThis young man placed an order with us for a couple of scarves and this is the beautiful testimony he had to share shortly after. Abba is just so amazing in how he uses every one of us in HIS and OUR unique way. Let’s never let our gender get in the way of worshiping our King the way He puts it on our heart! It’s so easy to let surroundings or people make us feel a certain way and intimidate us but always remember HE  is the one that matters and soaks in our sincere worship towards Him 🙂 

I wanted to share a recent testimony of your silks in action in the life of our family in Jesus.


Recently I had ordered two man scarves from you, one named Revelation of The Lord, the other Wrapped in His Love. I intend to order a 21×21 to make a 3-fold set soon, but haven’t…YET.


Even still, while in worship wearing them around my wrists, one came loose, and I really felt Holy Spirit say tie them together. So, it took some fumbling at first, but thank goodness God can drop in our spirits just what we need and suddenly I was able to tie what He wanted.


I got to use them tied together as a worship warrior weapon, somewhat like a whip if you will, but held kinda like a flag (I’m a flagger- MEN FLAG! WOOHOO!) and God totally chose to anoint them and the Spirit of God in his Wind came on them and made a place for God to abide and whipped away any devils for even thinking of being in our Abba’s house! (Mind you- I was just an instrument in the orchestra praising Him in Spirit and Truth that night), and God literally wrapped some people in His Love up at the altar! They got caught up and were taking I’m sure a GLORIOUS rest/nap in His manifest presence, and the house prophetess released a STRONG word from The Lord that released a great spirit of His Shalom and Rest for us all.


I KNOW it was in part, from your anointed designs and prayers being used at that moment.


Just think- can’t wait to tie together a 3-fold cord to really make a difference soon!


You’re changing lives and healing and delivering our family down here in GA!


May He richly bless y’all, yours, your places of dwelling and rest, and your ministry/business to touch many people, even in new ways He never has yet touched people in the earth in Jesus’ Name!


The photo I have to share is just them tied together, super simply, as a mighty weapon powerful through God to tear down what tried to exalt itself against Him! Hope this inspires some more MEN AND women to dance with silks and work with God to enforce our victory in Him! I held it on one end and relatively gently used like you might a flag making a vertical 360 over my head and then some cross figure 8 movements, for anyone interested.


Jesus is Lord of The Holy Dance!


View scarves

3 thoughts on “Tied together

  1. Amazing testimony, my husband has been feeling it in his heart to flag. He had only done it twice but we see him coming out of his she’ll little by little. Only God can bring him through and can’t wait till he is in full force. Men have such an amazing power when flagging be encouraged. It’s a beautiful moment.

  2. Love the testimony and love knowing there is someone else using Dyed4you silks in worship down here in Georgia with me!

    I love my wide silks on a streamer rod….each have their own unique impact in worship!

    Men flagging and dancing have a whole different impact and can shift the atmosphere in such a unique way!!

  3. What an awesome testimony! So great that men are worshipping with such passion.

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