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Glory flags testimony

gloryHere’s an amazing testimony of how our awesome God works!!! A woman in the Dyed4you community has ordered different flags for all her children and each testimony is mind blowing to me because they’re right on on EVERY little detail, but the Medium quills in the Glory style she got for her younger daughter have a particularly amazing testimony. These scarf stories are why I keep telling everyone how much this ministry ministers to us just as much, if not more, like it does to the one’s who receive them 🙂 
Below the mother shares about her daughter’s reaction to her silk:

So, here is what Yasha says about her Glory flags, “I love everything about them and the letter!” The most special thing for her was the cranberry color. When we looked up the prophetic meaning in the color chart and looked up the scriptures, Song of Solomon 4:7 and John 15:13, that just deeply impacted her. Especially Song of Solomon 4:7 ” [He exclaimed] O my love, how beautiful you are! There is no flaw in you! [John 14:18; Eph. 5:27.]” She said, “This is so special, special enough for me! That God loves me! I love the golden yellow in the middle too.”

As I had mentioned to you, the Father has given me this call to look into the meaning of names as they relate to our calling and purpose and I had completed her name certificate for her prior to receiving the flags and the letter from you.

It’s just amazing to both of us how much what the Father led your team to for her confirmed things about who He made her to be, as it is displayed in the name He gave us for her. Her first name Yasha is the root of the name Yeshua. In ancient Hebrew, each letter of the name has a picture meaning and the letters of her name mean “the right hand power of God (Yeshua) is in all consuming fire to behold and experience. It speaks of her calling to be to show the world of His being an amazing glorious wonder to behold. And her flags are all about His glory. Also, her middle name Naomi means pleasant, but the root of her name has the meaning of sweetness, delightful, lovely and surpassing in beauty. And it speaks of her pleasantness, delightfulness, loveliness and being surpassing in beauty exceeding others because of Yeshua in her, which the Yod in Naomi represents. So the Song of Solomon verse associated with the cranberry color and the red wine color that speaks of Yeshua’s blood and some of the other colors representing the beauty of Yahweh just fit so well.

It was just really awesome to see such an interweaving of what He had to say about her. I think I was ministered to the most as her mom, to see even more detail from your team about how the Father sees my beautiful little girl and to be able to give her this life and blessing over her now to establish it in her at an early age, so that she can carry this into her lifetime. They are weapons in her hand against the enemy and all of his lies about who she is.


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4 thoughts on “Glory flags testimony

  1. How beautiful ! I love how Papa weaves things together for our encouragement and to speak to our destiny. May Yashica continue to see how special and beloved she is. I love to hear how you, as her mom, are pouring into her so that she can see her identity she has as a child of God. ☺

  2. How awesome is He!

  3. Absolutely love abba is awsome Yahweh an Yahshua blessings

  4. Beautiful flags, beautiful girl, beautiful story!

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