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Dowel Wing Change

As we’ve started using our new dowel line more, we realized we could make a small change to the dowel wing design that would make them easier to create, while maintaining the integrity of the piece. Instead of doing a combination of serging and hemming, we’re now serging the whole thing just like we’ve always done with our medium and large quill wings. 🙂 

Below are videos the show the fact that there really isn’t a difference when they’re in motion. Essentially the only reason we’re making a point to tell you is because we mentioned it in a previous video, so we wanted to explain that A) a change was made and B) why. 🙂

2 thoughts on “Dowel Wing Change

  1. These are really nice. I love how they flow. Sensing God tugging at my heart for acquiring more spiritual weapons, in designs and different flags quill, swing, and poi ….etc. Thanks for these videos. I have been sharing the word of your ministry wherever I go with my flags and if people ask me where to find some. 🙂 😉 speaking blessings in the wind for you and your ministry, favor upon favor.

    1. Thank you so much! Both for your kind words and for spreading the word about us 🙂 Greatly appreciated!!

      Blessings to you 🙂

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