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Bendies, Quills, and Spinners Oh My!

FYI we created a newer comparison video comparing Bendies/Swing Wings/Spinners.

With the introduction of two new flag options that have rods, we know some of you are likely scratching your heads wondering what the differences are between bendies, quills, and spinners. Let me start by saying I personal own and use ALL of these products. I go through seasons where I will prefer one type of tool over another, but they all are wonderful and each have their own feel. The question becomes which is right for YOU? 🙂

In this video, I give quick pros and cons on each as well as noting things I think you may want to know. If you have more questions please don’t hesitate to ask, but in the meantime – happy worshipping!

1 thought on “Bendies, Quills, and Spinners Oh My!

  1. Nice! <3 and I can tell the spinner wings are your favorite. You just light up!

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