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Profound Ministry

This story is about a crinkle silk that was a gift to a woman I’d never met. That may sound odd, but if you knew my dad you would understand (BTW that’s my dad and me – please note his Dyed4you pocket square 🙂 I love my Daddy! His pocket square is called My Path and my narrow infinity scarf is called Unimpeachable Promises). He’s a connector. He meets people and has these extraordinary connections with them – divine meetings – I get it because my sister and I tend to have them too. 🙂

Anyway, he’d met this woman and he felt led to give her my card and he asked me to bless her with whatever the Lord prompted if she contacted me, which she did almost immediately. It’s always interesting to see how people respond to Dyed4you silk when they don’t really have context or an understanding of what we do. This was her email to me after she received her silk. The image of Daphne (my mannequin) is not the silk I sent her (which managed to go out without a picture), but it’s another one dyed in the same style: Lush Growth (Flourisher).

Dear Meghan. The scarf is absolutely one the most beautiful things I have seen. It reminded me of so many wonderful and beautiful moments I’ve had with God, and with God’s creation.

I visited Jamaica and was blessed to see the ocean turn the same color as the sky. The peace of God dwelt there. Your scarf gives me the same experience.

I visited Trinidad. The place where I stayed, there was total chaos on the ground level. One morning when I was having breakfast on the balcony, I gazed up and saw the most glorious mountains I have ever seen. I am sure I experienced the glory of God on top of those grass green mountains. The glory made the chaos on the ground seem meaningless. When I touched your scarf and saw the magnificent colors it reminded me of the mountain experience in Trinidad.

The sky, with its immaculate clouds and vivid blue color, has captured my attention for the past two years. I am so overwhelmed and amazed at how not one of those days has the sky been the same. I often ask God (the creator) how do you do that?…lol.

Your scarf, though I have only seen one, reminds me of God’s wonderful and overwhelming painting in the sky. I just believe in my spirit that not one of your scarves are the same. They personify healing, joy, wonder, and life for me. At least the one I have received.

The message you sent with the scarf is absolute in its essence. I am looking at the scarf now and it is the epitome of the beauty of God.

Thank you for sharing an obvious gift from God in your ability to muster up all of this with what could easily be seen as just another scarf, had it not been for the Lord’s hand in this art of yours.

Tell your Dad I said hello. He gave me your card, but he did not give me any information on himself. But you tell him when that book gets published he will be sorrowful if I don’t receive a copy…

Blessings in each new horizon! And wallow in the wonder and glory of God! My prayers are with your profound ministry.

1 thought on “Profound Ministry

  1. What a beautiful testimony and word of encouragement 💙💚💙💚💙💚

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