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How-to Minister with Flags and About Flag Ministry

We recorded this live on our Dyed4you Ministries facebook page, this Lunchtime Live was about flag ministry, the name of God YHVH Nissi (the Lord My Banner), our Why We Flag quick reference card, a Prophetic Nugget called YHVH Nissi (the Lord my Banner), and ministry time. 

The whole thing is good stuff (if I do say so myself) but if you want to hit specific topics (because I realize this is long), here’s where you’ll find things:

00:47 My history with the name YHVH Nissi (the Lord My Banner), which started years before Dyed4you came into existence 

03:07 Why We Flag quick reference card (including props to April for her original post that inspired it Why I Dance with Flags)

05:45 Flagging courtesy (both flaggers and non flaggers)

07:35 Overview of the reasons we flag

08:43 Sharing about and reading the Prophetic Nugget called YHVH Nissi (the Lord my Banner)

10:01 Using your hands as flags

10:28 Pausing to acknowledge the Source of power, God, and understanding the prophetic actions we take are simply coming into agreement with Him

11:33 Examples of motions (stirring the atmosphere and healing rain)

13:08 Not being concerned about doing flag ministry “wrong”, just aligning with God to the best of your ability

14:13 Different ways of ministering with flags and allowing God to take you beyond your natural understanding. Him speaking through the color, motion, word that goes with the silk, etc.

15:59 How God will sometimes repurpose flags from their named meanings 

16:40 Communicating without words (including things colors represent)

18:12 Laying down the idol of our need to understand 

19:27 Feeling silly but sacrificing vanity to His glory

20:51 The reason behind our need to understand (spoiler alert: so we can judge)

21:37 Choosing to submit to God without understanding and the intimacy and trust that brings in your relationship with God (Amos 3:7 (AMP) Surely the Lord God will do nothing without revealing His secret to His servants the prophets.)

22:55 FYI what wandered out of my brain was the example that you wouldn’t try to explain calculus to a toddler. In the same way sometimes God isn’t telling us stuff because we just wouldn’t get it. We just need to trust!

23:54 Pausing to explain why I wasn’t getting into specific movements and their meanings: in short so we don’t try to control things or keep God in a box. Use those movements as guidelines, but ultimately be led by Holy Spirit. These are the movement guides from Margie at Unhindered and Unashamed that I referenced: How-to Flag.

26:27 Being cautious not to try to do spiritual things with your natural mind or try to control or enforce your own agenda.

28:18 Encouragement for newbies – don’t be afraid to start with the guidelines and color meanings that others supply

29:09 Using flags in intercession, a form of beseeching God

29:38 We serve a fathomless God – there’s always more to learn

30:40 Flag ministry time – using a large rounded streamer veil called YHVH Nissi (the Lord my Banner)

33:00 Physically coming into agreement with Him and His plans

33:59 Submitting to the authorities in the churches/organizations even when that means you aren’t able to flag

35:00 What to do if you aren’t able to flag at church

36:50 Refuse to let your joy and praise be stolen, don’t get ensnared by bitterness and resentment. When you see things that concern you PRAY

37:45 Emunah (faith that God is sovereign). If He has you someplace you don’t feel free ask Him why and continue to praise (Dayenu – what He has done so far makes Him worthy of praise!)

39:15 Get beyond ourselves and focus on Him and what He is doing in the kingdom

1 thought on “How-to Minister with Flags and About Flag Ministry

  1. […] card, and ministry time. Since it’s a long video, I did a post on our Dyed4you blog – How-to Minister with Flags and About Flag Ministry – that includes a breakdown of which topics I hit where within the […]

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