This is a pair of special order XLH quill flags called Melek Kabowd (which is Hebrew for King of Glory). You’ve seen video of these before – since they belong to my hubby and it’s him using them you’re likely to see them again too 😉
This clip is during one of our regular weekend services at Passion for Truth (PFT)
View quills / special order
Wow was that anointed! I wish I had been there in person to see it! 🙂
Awesome flags. I saw some in the background too. Other flaggers staying in the back ground. I wish they too would come forward.
Powerful healing anointing. I can sense the glory of His presence in my home even now. What awesome tools of worship!
Omgosh so majestic! Everything about this video screams MAJESTY!!!! Thanks for sharing!
I still watch this from time to time. One of my favorites ever made in the hands of a favorite worshiper 🙂 <3