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Newbie (Guy) Flagger Stepping Out Boldly

Fun testimony from a newbie flagger! It’s always neat to see a guy be bold and step out unashamed in worship. When the woman over the flag ministry at his church (Tabernaculo De Dios Tampa) contacted me about getting spin wings for him, I knew I was supposed to gift him a set from my collection as well. So he received not only the mismatched pair Elohim Yakol (God Most Able) – which consists of We Will Overcome and Increase – that you see in this video but Eyes Wide Open: A Message in Silk as well. To say he was blessed is an understatement! Continue reading Newbie (Guy) Flagger Stepping Out Boldly

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He is Faithful in our “Mistakes”

One of my dear friends and part of our Dyed4you Leadership Team has a saying she likes to say when I share yet another rainbow silk: “You can never have too many rainbows!” I laughed to myself as I heard her say this in my head while I was making several pairs of regular bendie wings (5mm aka “light” weight silk) in our Faithful style, which happens to be a rainbow.  Continue reading He is Faithful in our “Mistakes”

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Reminders of a Loved One

This is a precious example of how the silks can be a comfort as well as a reminder to walk an anointing. In addition to her 5-star Etsy review, we get a glimpse of them in use during intercession as well. These are a pair of small bendie flags called Relentless Faith that were handpainted by one of our Dyed4you Team Members. Continue reading Reminders of a Loved One

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Comparing Wings: Spin, Bendie, & Swing (Updated)

Quick comparison of three types of wings (spin, bendie, and swing) in our three sizes (regular, large, and XL). I try to hit pros/cons, storage, use tips, etc. and quick facts on each size are listed below. Continue reading Comparing Wings: Spin, Bendie, & Swing (Updated)

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Beautiful Tallit and Confirming Art

Beautiful testimony from the recipient of an oversized tassel tallit called Your Name and several Dyed4you Art pieces (a printcard of Forever Bloom, mini printcard of Anointed for War: Rallied Warriors, and magnet of Emboldened by the Sustaining Source). Continue reading Beautiful Tallit and Confirming Art

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Introducing Dyed4you Flutes

We’re doing a new thing! For those of you who watch our weekly Lunchtime Live on the Dyed4you Ministries facebook page (or subscribe to our Dyed4you Ministries blog and see it via email the next day), you know that I (Meghan) have become passionate about flutes. I first was exposed to them almost a decade ago by one of my Dyed4you Ministry Team members, and then this past summer was reconnected with them (and then gifted one) by someone in the Dyed4you Community. Now I’m officially a goner! Continue reading Introducing Dyed4you Flutes

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Blessed by her Sister-in-Law

As I said in New Levels of Refinement and Confirmation, it’s always fun to see someone catch the Dyed4you “bug” and then start sharing with their friends and family and seeing all of them get blessed. This is the story about a family member. 🙂 Continue reading Blessed by her Sister-in-Law

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Receiving a New Mantle (and passing an old)

We never grow tired of testimonies – especially when there’s so much confirmation in them! This awesome scarf story is about a custom charmeuse tallit called Avinu (Our Father). The word expands on the Lord’s prayer in a beautiful way.  Continue reading Receiving a New Mantle (and passing an old)

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Margie with Dyed4you Wings

We love our friend Margie Puckett of Unhindered and Unashamed. We often exchange silks and it’s fun to see her enjoying the fruits of our labors (Margie with Sealed Wings). In these videos she’s using (or sharing) flags we’ve blessed her with.  Continue reading Margie with Dyed4you Wings

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Delayed Confirmation

Love this scarf story, in part because it is a young lady I know and love, but also because it shares something that happens more often than some may realize: God gives a word that is for a later moment. Sometimes God wants to say something “before” so later – whenever that may be, you know He was there all along (which we know in our heads, but confirmation is always lovely).  Continue reading Delayed Confirmation