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BUT I: Not one of God’s Names

An Ordinary Day
Today while getting ready for the day, I was reflecting upon something the LORD has asked me to do. I initially responded to Him with, “Yes, LORD.” There have been no further instructions. I am waiting for the next command. However, at various times this morning I had become absorbed in wondering about the details of the assignment.  I thought to myself, “But I don’t know exactly how to do that.” Continue reading BUT I: Not one of God’s Names

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Getting the Hell out of my House

Thank you, Meghan for inviting me to share what the LORD has placed on my heart with you and the Dyed4You community. This is NOT the posting I thought I would launch with, but trust the LORD’s timing. This seems like a very intense introduction and I am humbled to share this post, as it feels like it just “broke through” my agenda and ordered plan to share. May these posts serve to encourage and build one another up in love (1 Thes 5:11).  Continue reading Getting the Hell out of my House