In addition to worshiping and interceding with her scarves, Christina has also found they make lovely window dressings. Continue reading Big Sky / King’s Daughter
Secret Place
Royal Priesthood
Meghan enjoys worshiping with 5mm China Silk banner flags in both the 45×108 size and the custom 55×108 size with a flag seam added. Here you see her with a special order size 55×108 banner flag called Royal Priesthood at GHOP (Gateway House of Prayer). Continue reading Royal Priesthood
Dwelling in His Beauty
Promises Assured
I received an order from a woman who shared that “The Holy Spirit AUDIBLY told me to dance. This scarf will be used to dance for His Pleasure, and to pray.”
When her order was complete, this was the letter included with her order:
The name of your scarf is Promises Assured. The colors in it are: Continue reading Promises Assured
Sleeping with Precious
Wendy likes to sleep with hers! Continue reading Sleeping with Precious
Rivers of Peace
I was at a gathering at a friend’s home one evening when I was first introduced to the woman who received Rivers of Peace. We had several mutual friends – all of whom are big fans of Dyed4you. We talked scarves for quite a while, so I wasn’t surprised when after the party she sent in an order. With it was a note saying she was tempted to tell me her favorite colors, but wanted to see what God would give me for her so she was resisting the temptation! Continue reading Rivers of Peace
The Joy of the Lord is my Strength
The Lord led a woman from halfway across the country to my site and this is what the Lord gave me for her:
The name of your scarf is the Joy of the Lord is my Strength. Continue reading The Joy of the Lord is my Strength
No Name Scarf Ministering Healing
I received an order from a woman who had heard about Dyed4you from a mutual friend. The scarf was to be a gift for her sister who was not a believer. This is the letter that was enclosed with her package: Continue reading No Name Scarf Ministering Healing
Blessing a Ministry
The woman God used to birth this ministry (Donna)’s son just returned from active military duty overseas. She had been incredibly blessed by a prayer ministry named Baghdad Prayer Patrol (a part of Prayer Central). Continue reading Blessing a Ministry
Royal Glory
The Lord drew a fellow worshiper to the site and her first order was a number of the popular style scarves. They arrived just before she attended a worship conference – her comment when she got back was “I could feel the anointing on the worship scarves and as I danced before the Lord with them the anointing increased… I absolutely love them and will treasure them as a gift from the Lord.” Continue reading Royal Glory
Haiti Mission (October 2007)
As a follow up to the summer missions trip, another team went to Kenscoff, Haiti with 30 scarves to bless the people with! Continue reading Haiti Mission (October 2007)
Haiti Mission (June 2007)
A team of short term missionaries brought 60 scarves to give away in Jacmel, Haiti
The people were blessed by their gifts! Continue reading Haiti Mission (June 2007)
Life in Haiti
The Board family enjoyed ministering with their wing in Haiti. Lots of prayer!
“I Thirst”
One day the Lord put it on my heart to send a scarf to a woman I’d never met or even spoken to on the phone. We were connected through a mutual friend. It took me a couple weeks before I had a chance to dye the scarf and a few more days before I wrote the letter and sent it off. The letter the Lord gave me was this: Continue reading “I Thirst”
How-to Make a Streamer Rod
Below is a how-to for creating a simple streamer rod. If you prefer (or if you have trouble with the wooden ones breaking), you can buy fiberglass ones online (or on Amazon -it’s eligible for supersaver shipping).
We offer streamers in both the 3yd and 4yd size, but you can also special order another size if you need something specific. Please note, if you order a streamer from us, it will come with the ring already in the pocket seam at the top of the silk.
Declaring the Word of the Lord
Blood & Judgement
Allen keeps his scarf in his bible – it’s a reminder of God’s call on his life. Continue reading Blood & Judgement
Precious Child Head Scarf
Stephanie enjoys wearing her scarf in her hair and also sometimes as a sash. Continue reading Precious Child Head Scarf
Light of Christ Head Scarf
Gloria enjoys wearing her scarves. This 30×30 scarf works perfectly as an accent on her head. Continue reading Light of Christ Head Scarf