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Confirmation & Comfort

Beautiful testimony and another scarf story of confirmation. This is pieced together from a couple email interactions:

My scarf was purchased for me by my spiritual mom at church. The name of my scarf is Hungry. It is right on target! I cry out to God and I just ask him for more of his guidance, mercy, love, and compassion! I tell him I never want to feel like I have lost Him! Continue reading Confirmation & Comfort

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Amanda E’s 1st “in public” Dance

Amanda E was asked to dance at her parent’s church’s Christmas Eve service.  Her folks blessed her by buying her an 8mm semicircle wing (altered size because of the size of the area she had to dance) to dance with.  They left me to create as the Lord led and I created a slightly altered version of Anointed Feet. After her dance, people kept asking how she’d gotten a wing to match the sanctuary! Continue reading Amanda E’s 1st “in public” Dance

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Thriving Little Dancer

A fun story from today!

Your scarf for my daughter was a perfect match for her! God’s so awesome!

First, I saw a picture of it [as in a vision] while praying a couple of days before I decided to even order her a scarf – and I didn’t know what or who the picture went with…I guess now I know! Continue reading Thriving Little Dancer

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Holy Ghost Party

Amanda E called me after leaving this holiday party that the Holy Spirit commandeered – I was SO blessed to hear this story and am thrilled she’s taken the time to write it down to share with you all (with the permission of those who were present of course!). God is AMAZING! Continue reading Holy Ghost Party

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God’s Brake Pedal

Sweet feedback from a first-time scarf buyer 🙂

I just received my scarf a few minutes ago. It so confirms where God is leading me to be under His covering in a season where I’ve been trying to “do” things myself. I praise God for this answer to prayer and great reminder to stay under His wing! Continue reading God’s Brake Pedal

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Stacie’s Grandma is In His Hands

Stacie ordered a scarf for her grandmother who will be having surgery this week.  God instructed me to create her a scarf called “In His Hands” – it was one where the whole word had been birthed through one of the Dyed4you intercessors and I (Meghan) had only give it a name, In His Hands. Continue reading Stacie’s Grandma is In His Hands

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He is our Shepherd

You’ve seen Tami’s Jehovah Rohi altered wing in action twice before – once when Amanda E demo’d it after it was made and once by Tami’s granddaughter. But now you get to see Tami using it (YouTube edited out the audio – sorry!) and she even uses both her wings (Jehovah Rohi and Steadfast Faith) at the end!  Plus you get to hear her story 🙂 Continue reading He is our Shepherd

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His and Her Wing

Another beautiful confirmation for Tami and she shares a video of her using her wing 🙂

I just received my semicircle scarf today, the name of it is Steadfast Faith, it truly is the most beautiful scarf I have ever seen. I was telling my best friend that I could just put this one and rest in him, trust in him.God really knows my heart and knows where I am right now in my walk. Continue reading His and Her Wing

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Confirming & Proclaiming

You all may remember seeing the Proclaimer scarf once before, and when I packaged it I thought, “This is definitely a little girl’s scarf” and a moment later God said that I was to make it again – this time for a grown woman who is a first-time Dyed4you customer and a friend of my dear friend Gloria. I had to laugh because I realized what He was gently reminding me is that we’re ALL His “little girls” 🙂

So this Proclaimer – Daddy’s little girl – shares her story: Continue reading Confirming & Proclaiming

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Confirming her Deep Desire

A fun new story from a first time customer 🙂

I just wanted to let you know that I have received my scarf today in the mail and I am thrilled with it. Now that you have made it I will tell you a little about myself. I am a prayer warrior and a worshiper who cries out for more of God. My deepest desire is to go deeper in the Lord and have a intimate walk with Him that when people see me they see Him in me. Continue reading Confirming her Deep Desire