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His Cherished One

Psalm 16:8 (NIV) I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.

Although more often than not we count on the people around us and their prayers, nothing has your back more than Papa! Yes, it’s wonderful to have loved ones pray for you but in the end, even if nobody will ever utter one prayer for you, you will always be the favorite one in God’s eyes! Continue reading His Cherished One

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Alabaster testimony

AlabasterThis is one of the most touching testimonies I’ve read and I couldn’t stop the tears… I was wondering while reading it, how many have had such traumatic childhoods?! For anyone to be healed and restored from such nightmares can only be by the hand of our Heavenly Father. This special Lady has ordered a few different scarves in various styles for herself and others that she blessed them with but this testimony was her very first with us. No matter what the circumstances, let this touching testimony minister to you and encourage you that Abba is in control of it ALL! Continue reading Alabaster testimony

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Blessing & Breakthrough at Church

You’ve seen the Unabashed Praise swing flags before, but I made some again when Father put it on my heart for this lady to have one when she ordered a single swing flag. And He totally blessed her through it 🙂 Continue reading Blessing & Breakthrough at Church

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Restoration Ministry

In this silk ministry I’m using a pair of Isaiah 54 swing flags. The focus of the intercession is to battle hopelessness, depression, and woundings from the enemy; bringing restoration, healing, hope, joy and to usher in the fulfillment of God’s promises (exactly the focus of the call Father confirmed through this style silk to another woman in the D4Y Community). Continue reading Restoration Ministry

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White Elephant Gift

My church was doing a White Elephant gift exchange on New Years Eve. I felt prompted by the Father to include a Dyed4you silk called Joyful Praise in the mix. I sensed He knew EXACTLY where He wanted it to go and that it would end up with the person He intended it for. I love seeing Him work in apparent chaos! Continue reading White Elephant Gift

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D4Y/D4Yart Treasure Chest

A friend of Dyed4you found a treasure chest at North Star Books, who sells both Dyed4you scarves and Dyed4you Art.  A fellow artist, she shared her experience with us:

God had me on a treasure hunt today and look what I found at North Star in Nampa, Idaho! The red scarf is the one you sent me, but the rest “I found”. Continue reading D4Y/D4Yart Treasure Chest

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Thriving Little Dancer

A fun story from today!

Your scarf for my daughter was a perfect match for her! God’s so awesome!

First, I saw a picture of it [as in a vision] while praying a couple of days before I decided to even order her a scarf – and I didn’t know what or who the picture went with…I guess now I know! Continue reading Thriving Little Dancer

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Scarf & the Potty

This is a fun scarf story from a friend and loyal Dyed4you customer.  She’d bought a 6×24 scarf for her 3 year old daughter and a fun story was birthed. Here it is:

The first thing I noticed was the colors – she loves blue and green, and these were so vibrant – very her!

As she was playing with it, it ended up on the floor near her potty (not as a wipe – LOL – just in proximity!) and I was struck how the color matched her potty. I found it intriguingly odd that her scarf matched her potty. That’s when the Lord began speaking… Continue reading Scarf & the Potty

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Testimonial Archive

Just to have everything in one place, I wanted to bring over the testimonials – instead of doing a separate entry for each though, I did the archive in one big post 🙂

These (and the ones included on this site) are just a fraction of the ones I hear.  God truly never ceases to amaze me at what He’ll do through a simple piece of silk 🙂

I pray they bless you!

Continue reading Testimonial Archive

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Rivers of Peace

I was at a gathering at a friend’s home one evening when I was first introduced to the woman who received Rivers of Peace. We had several mutual friends – all of whom are big fans of Dyed4you. We talked scarves for quite a while, so I wasn’t surprised when after the party she sent in an order. With it was a note saying she was tempted to tell me her favorite colors, but wanted to see what God would give me for her so she was resisting the temptation! Continue reading Rivers of Peace