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Color Coordinated God & Tears

I think this is my first testimonial about one of the new ladies tallitot (plural version of “tallit”).  I love how the Lord was orchestrating colors without us even knowing!

The name of my silk is Waves of Increase… my husband built me a prayer room. When I received my scarf, the colors in the scarf matched the colors the Lord had me paint the walls and decorate with! What a blessing!! Continue reading Color Coordinated God & Tears

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Resurrection Celebration

This is a fun story because there’s lots to share! It starts with a dance team in VT (Living Hope Christian Church) ordering 14×72 scarves to use as sashes and special order 8mm 45×108 silks that were divided in half with 2 flag seams added to make a pair. You saw video I made of one pair of the flags before I sent them out.

Even just from seeing my demo video the team gave an awesome response:
Continue reading Resurrection Celebration

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Perfect Gift for Mom

A sweet testimony about a gift a daughter got for her mom – it was a Dyed4you Art printcard of Wait Upon the Lord, a coordinating 14×72 scarf complete with gift bag, and the Scent of Heaven Wait Upon the Lord oil.

Today my mom unwrapped her anointed scarf!! Since we got it early in the mail – it has been a major temptation for us not to look at it, but we resisted and waited for her to open it today. What a dynamic word for her and for our family as a whole. Continue reading Perfect Gift for Mom

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Birthday Blessing

A fun testimony from a mom who received a scarf from her daughter for her birthday.  The mom had won a scarf previously in one of our blog giveaways, apparently she had been so blessed by it and so excited about it that she talked about it all the time, so when her birthday rolled around her daughter knew JUST what to get! Continue reading Birthday Blessing

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Letting the Lord Speak

This is sort of a fun story for me because God stretched me in the middle of it too!  Many of you know that Dyed4you isn’t really just about getting a beautiful piece of silk, it’s about getting a word from the Lord that happens to have a tangible silk reminder 🙂

Increasingly I sense the Lord shifting me away from simply “executing” creating scarves (in other words, when people simply pick the scarf they want like you would in a department store) and focus on delivering His word in season to those who order.  The interesting part of this is helping first time buyers understand how it all works!  And there in begins our story. Continue reading Letting the Lord Speak

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New to Voi Worshiper

You saw me demo Shannon’s voi, and now she’s shared video of herself with them. Let me preface this by saying she had spent no more than an hour with voi ever in her entire life – so that alone is astounding to me. Beautiful to watch someone anointed and gifted to move in worship! Continue reading New to Voi Worshiper

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Surprise Pillowcases

I love to get to be part of blessing someone – so when I got an email from Amanda E that she felt God prompted her to get a pair of pillowcases for a mutual friend, I was thrilled! Here’s her initial response:

The pillowcases are beautiful and the word with with them is so spot on and precious to me. I love the anointing oil one heart because it is literally what god has done in my marriage with my husband and it is truly been a miracle and now God is healing my family and bringing us closer than ever. Continue reading Surprise Pillowcases

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Confirmation & Comfort

Beautiful testimony and another scarf story of confirmation. This is pieced together from a couple email interactions:

My scarf was purchased for me by my spiritual mom at church. The name of my scarf is Hungry. It is right on target! I cry out to God and I just ask him for more of his guidance, mercy, love, and compassion! I tell him I never want to feel like I have lost Him! Continue reading Confirmation & Comfort

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His Child, His Love

What fun for me to get to a request from someone to do a quick turnaround gift for a faithful Dyed4you customer 🙂 Immediately, I knew which scarf I was supposed to make — God had already been speaking to me about it — but I knew enough about this person that I knew it would likely bless her. Not wanting to prophesy out of my flesh, I argued with God a bit about it and finally did 3 blind questions with 3 intercessors to confirm if this was the scarf to create… all 3 rounds came out a YES!

But the story she shares shows me I didn’t know a fraction of why this was the word God wanted her to have… He never ceases to amaze me. His grace for us all and the love that He is constantly wanting to shower us with. Her beautiful story is below: Continue reading His Child, His Love