I confess I love a scarf sighting – and Amanda E brought this one to my attention. Some Dyed4you friends from OH made the trip to IHOP-KC (International House of Prayer, Kansas City). Continue reading Scarf Sighting at IHOP
Tag: worship
Voi at Conferences
Caleb put together a photo montage with video too of him using Dyed4you voi at conferences. Thought you all would enjoy 🙂 Continue reading Voi at Conferences
Caleb using a Praise in All the Earth
Some Dyed4you silk Caleb had sewn into spinner flags (thank you Penni!) – beautiful in action! This silk is what was used in Dyed4you Art’s Sweet Aroma. The colors were picked from a vision Father gave him. Continue reading Caleb using a Praise in All the Earth
Abiding Joy Wing/Voi Combo
This is a voi (veiled poi) that was upsized to a semicircle and has a wing seam added. In this video I start with the voi and then you see the wing. This is an altered version of the previous style of Abiding Joy. Continue reading Abiding Joy Wing/Voi Combo
2 Sizes of Holy Fire Wings
More video this time first with a semicircle with a wing seam and then a 35×84 with a wing seam and, both named Holy Fire. Continue reading 2 Sizes of Holy Fire Wings
Abundant Peace Wing
Here I am with a semicircle with a wing seam added named Abundant Peace (note that my dog, Sketch, is demonstrating the peace by sleeping behind me while I worship – LOL). Continue reading Abundant Peace Wing
Scarf for Each Child
A story from someone who got 6×24 scarves for each of their four children 🙂
It has been quite some time since I have been able to sit and email you. First and foremost thank you for the beautiful scarves you crafted for my children. It was a lovely experience watching them open their precious gifts from the Lord. Continue reading Scarf for Each Child
Touched Deeply
A friend of mine gave a Dyed4you scarf as a gift to a dear friend of hers – it encouraged me to hear how the Lord had blessed her with it:
Thank you for the awesome silk scarf – BOLD PASSION. Here is a picture of me wearing it. Laurette gave it to me for Christmas. Continue reading Touched Deeply
Amanda E with a Semicircle Wing/Voi Pair
Here’s clips from Amanda E working with both the ones you’ve seen before (wing/voi)… but together 🙂 The outside shots we were fighting with the wind, but you still get a sense of how beautiful they are. Continue reading Amanda E with a Semicircle Wing/Voi Pair
Amanda E with Semicircle Voi
Here Amanda E is worshiping with a semicircle voi called Declaring the Word of the Lord (it’s the other half of the wing/voi pair that you saw in the previous post. Continue reading Amanda E with Semicircle Voi
Amanda E with Commanding Authority
Amanda E is back for another visit and we dyed a wing/voi pair. So you’ll get to see a few new videos 🙂 This is one of her using one of the full-sized semicircle wings be itself – it’s name is Commanding Authority. Continue reading Amanda E with Commanding Authority
His and Her Wing
Another beautiful confirmation for Tami and she shares a video of her using her wing 🙂
I just received my semicircle scarf today, the name of it is Steadfast Faith, it truly is the most beautiful scarf I have ever seen. I was telling my best friend that I could just put this one and rest in him, trust in him.God really knows my heart and knows where I am right now in my walk. Continue reading His and Her Wing
Deep Worship
These are some beautiful shots from a first-time Dyed4you customer (though she comes from a fellowship WELL familiar with Dyed4you!). She fell in love with the Deep Worship scarf – and it surely looks like it was made for her! (of course it was 😉
She shares her heart on this scarf here:
Confirming & Proclaiming
You all may remember seeing the Proclaimer scarf once before, and when I packaged it I thought, “This is definitely a little girl’s scarf” and a moment later God said that I was to make it again – this time for a grown woman who is a first-time Dyed4you customer and a friend of my dear friend Gloria. I had to laugh because I realized what He was gently reminding me is that we’re ALL His “little girls” 🙂
So this Proclaimer – Daddy’s little girl – shares her story: Continue reading Confirming & Proclaiming
Confirming her Deep Desire
A fun new story from a first time customer 🙂
I just wanted to let you know that I have received my scarf today in the mail and I am thrilled with it. Now that you have made it I will tell you a little about myself. I am a prayer warrior and a worshiper who cries out for more of God. My deepest desire is to go deeper in the Lord and have a intimate walk with Him that when people see me they see Him in me. Continue reading Confirming her Deep Desire
D4Y Wing at a Pneuma Celebration
You may remember Kiara’s recent scarf story – Confirmation & a New Song. Well this is her new Dwelling in His Beauty 5mm semicircle wing in action at a Pneuma Church celebration 🙂 Continue reading D4Y Wing at a Pneuma Celebration
Streamers in Sudan
I was blessed to connect with Michele Perry of Iris Ministries – Sudan today. Through a mutual friend, Dyed4you you had blessed her ministry (shortly after Dyed4you was birthed) with a scarf for Michele and some streamers for the children to worship with 🙂
Today I got to hear that the children LOVED them! In fact she said: Continue reading Streamers in Sudan
Little Proclaimer
Such a sweet story of miss Maddy who now has her OWN scarf 🙂
This morning I was obviously waiting with great anticipation for the mailman to come. As soon as I saw him, I ran out the door. What’s better is MADDY ran out the door and recognized the package and yelled “MY SCARF MOMMY!!!”. Continue reading Little Proclaimer
Emily Dancing with Secret Place
My good friend Emily (Gloria‘s daughter) worshiping with a 35×84 scarf called Secret Place to her original song (which Kent Henry recorded with her) called Abide. Yes… she sounds like an angel! Continue reading Emily Dancing with Secret Place
More Caleb Pics & Video of Me
This is a new pair of voi I created called Joyful Praise. In the pictures Caleb Brundidge is worshiping with them at Glad Tidings Church – JoAnn McFatter is on the keyboard behind him – sorry I don’t have video of him, but I do have video of me demo-ing the voi before I sent them to him. Continue reading More Caleb Pics & Video of Me