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Meghan meeting Melijen

Since I’ve asked Melijen to share on the blog (read her posts), I thought it might be helpful if I told you how I met her :) We decided to make this a two-part scarf story… kind of like a he said/she said about how I met Melijen.  Be sure to catch the other half too 😉

Meghan’s Story

I was in the midst of some severe personal trials – both financially and relationally. During this time Dyed4you was my greatest source of consolation because with story after story it was clear God’s hand was on it and so I was able to “feel” good about something.

A Rocky Start

Melijen (nicknamed Dr Mel – so don’t be confused if I use them interchangeably – it’s a bit of a joke because I’m a Dr too so she calls me Dr Meghan and I call her Dr Mel… but I digress) ordered her first scarf at the peek of this trying period.  I sent it off just like any other and after a few days she contacted me saying she wasn’t sure she’d been sent the right scarf, and when I confirmed it was her scarf, she said she’d like to send it back.

Now, let me just say – what she actually said was a lot gentler than that, but that was the gist of it and in the midst of all I had going on, it was like God knocked the one thing I’d been leaning on out from under me (as He often does when we’re relying on something other than Him for comfort).

Well, I broke. I completely lost it and broke into sobbing hysterics for about an hour.  Allen tried to comfort me reminding  me of all the amazing scarf stories and saying one scarf being returned didn’t ruin those. But I’d hear no part of it – I was convinced I had failed in a big way! (Performance & Love is something God’s been dealing with me on.)

Finally as the tears subsided, I sensed the Lord speaking to me. He asked me if I’d done anything different on this order than any other. Nope, I hadn’t. Then He asked why I gave Him any perceived glory, but thought that I had to take the “blame” for any perceived failure. He clarified that my job was to simply be obedient – the glory (or lack thereof) was all His.

Finally calmed, I called her and we actually got to talk.  Her heart in this was simply that knowing Dyed4you periodically gives away scarves, she sensed God saying that hers was to be sent back and given to someone else.  Even as she said it I knew who it was (and when they finally received it, they were INCREDIBLY blessed and grateful). Jehovah Sneaky had intentionally triggered me for the purpose of bringing this wound in my heart to the surface to be dealt with.

And a Rocky Continuation

Through our phone call and my response to the situation, God began speaking to Dr Mel about others He would like her to give scarves to.  So a few weeks later she ordered several more scarves. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t just a tad anxious as I made them for her – LOL – despite my best efforts not to be. And when she received the new scarves she sent an email to me asking about what the prophetic process was.

LOL – again I was fighting to keep myself calm and not feel threatened… the enemy was having a hayday in my head throwing accusations at me. Quietly I heard God ask me “do you have anything to hide?” – no, I don’t.  So I answered as completely as I could and an hour or so later she sent the cover letter she planned to include with each of her gift scarves.  I literally wept when I read it. Here’s an excerpt:

…I was led to the ministry “” after I was looking for a Christian scarf company. I was impressed with the ministry, her testimony, and the various testimonies posted on the website. Meghan is the humble vessel behind the ministry and has such a compassionate heart and love for Jesus. She has a PhD and was in a high-powered corporate job when the Lord called her into ministry. I have spoken to her and see evidence of “good fruit.” Please look at her website :)

Isn’t it amazing how the enemy will to torment us when we don’t assume positive intent?  Dr Mel went on to explain the prophetic process in brief as I’d shared it with her – she’d wanted it so the recipients could understand fully what they were being given.  Beautiful!

Becoming Family

Over the months that followed, many gift scarves were given and many cool testimonies (I get to hear a lot more stories than I’m able to post).  During that time the Lord began stirring Dr Mel’s heart to pray for the ministry.  She’s become an integral part of my support system – both individually and for the ministry. You don’t have to meet in person to connect via the Spirit and know you’re part of the same body… we are family :) This is the same reason that even within the Dyed4you Community it’s been fun to see as some of you connect with one another as a result of this ministry.  God is so good!

Some of Melijen’s Stories

In addition to the tidbit posts she’s shared, she has some in action and scarf stories :)

In Conclusion

There’s a number of things I find fascinating as I look back at our friendship as it’s developed – here’s some of the points I ponder:

  • God knew what a blessing we’d be to each other and so even as I was miserable at the beginning He could see this part now in the midst of what appeared to me to be “bad”
  • If I had let my flesh rule and not responded appropriately, I would possibly have blown it and lost the incredible blessing this friendship has been
  • Often the best friends to have aren’t the ones who never “trigger” us, but rather the ones that do but also provide a gentle place to land (you’ll hear more on Dr Mel and I triggering each other later – I have a gift for triggering people so she’s got a story to tell on me too! LOL)

8 thoughts on “Meghan meeting Melijen

  1. I just love your transparency! I doubt myself too much and will cause myself so much mental and emotional chaos. It’s reassuring to know that someone like you (who obviously hears His voice) goes thru some of the same self doubts. I at the same time hate it for you but I know HE has your heart and makes it all work for good. OK on to her side of the story! lol

  2. So glad to see you press through the uncomfortable and painful to the blessing. I can see that that would have been extraordinarily difficult. God is good!

  3. I agree with Julie. I’m very glad you’re willing to be as transparent as you are to all of us for many reasons. Alot of lessons to pull from this one. Its amazing the friendship the Lord’s blessed you both with and that you compliment each other so well. Love how God works 🙂

  4. I can only say “God ordained relationship is like nothing else. There becomes a bond that no one (not devil or demon) can touch. And usually they start out not in the way you would think.” Bless you both.

  5. what a beautiful story. Bless you Meghan

  6. How many times has the Lord used situations like the returned scarf to bring things to the surface? I have similar instances, and I’m thankful to read about yours…and the blessing that came out of it. Meghan, have I told you how much I appreciate your sharing?

  7. Meghan, I so appreciate your tender heart! I think that your tenderness allows you to have a special sensitivity to the Holy Spirit that allows Him to use you in the glorious ways! You are such a blessing to so many!

  8. Thank you for sharing what transpired… your story made me weep. I am in awe of Him.

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