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Almost Ruining Her Own Plan

This is a fun story about how the Father connected Blair Healing Rooms with Dyed4you. I actually shared a later story earlier this year – I’m finding all sorts of story gems I haven’t posted yet!  Enjoy 🙂

When I found the Dyed4you website, there were so many beautiful patterns and encouraging words, I wanted to order many, not just one. I visited many times and finally decided to contact Meghan to see about creating some custom scarves for my prayer team and me rather than trying to pick a pattern myself. After giving Meghan a bit of information on the prayer team’s purpose, Meghan suggested a pattern, Healing Flow, for the prayer team.

The second scarf pattern I requested was one specifically for me. I made sure I didn’t tell about my personal color preferences of jewel tones and purple, a color which I linked to an encounter at the beginning of my prayer team journey.

When I received my package I was thrilled – no jewel tones here – beautiful muted shades of green with touches of gold and white. The scarf letter conveying the name ‘Stand Firm’, scripture, and color meanings was an encouragement. One item that seemed to jump off the page was the description of the color white as the Light of Jesus. I had recently received and embraced teaching on the Light of Jesus and this seemed to be a confirmation of those teachings.

Shortly after receiving the scarf I was reminded of a recent word that had been given to me concerning a color and interpretation. The color and interpretation were mirrored in my new scarf. If for any reason I had wondered about the scarf colors, all doubt would have vanished at that point. I pulled the scarf and letter out again and wondered anew at God’s Grace. He gave me multiple confirmations: the message in the scarf was truly mine.

I received the scarves on a prayer team day and took my custom scarf to our meeting. After oohing and aahing and agreeing to receive the word to ‘Stand Firm’ for the prayer team, I received requests for where to obtain the scarves. Oops – problem. I didn’t want them ordering scarves yet – I hadn’t told them about my plan to give them scarves. I tried to ignore the requests but come Sunday someone reminded me that I had not yet given her the information. I told her husband my plan to give her a scarf so he would understand why I was stalling. He likely would have run interference if needed, but that probably wasn’t fair to him. At the next prayer team meeting I brought my samples of ‘Healing Flow’. The team members thought the scarf was pretty when they thought it was my scarf, but when I read the scarf letter, and told them they would each be receiving a scarf they were thrilled.

I continue to ‘Stand Firm’, sometimes with more grace than others, but knowing that I am planted where God wants me. And the team? They are waiting for their scarves. I placed an order today, so it won’t be long until they also have a tangible reminder of what God is doing in and through them.

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7 thoughts on “Almost Ruining Her Own Plan

  1. I love getting confirmations like that!

  2. Papa is awesome in how He affirms people. He’s STILL affirming me in the word over my scarf, taking me more and more into the word and deeper in relationship with Him. It’s awesome! He’s orchestrating so many things in my life at the moment as a result that at times it makes me wonder which way first hahaha, but as I continue to delight in Him He’s totally got my back and I know He’s got everyone elses too!

  3. I also have a Healing Flow scarf and I pray that you and your prayer team are blessed and used in a mighty way for the Father.

  4. How cool! God is just SO Awesome!!!!!!

  5. Besutiful testimony 🙂

  6. This story reminds me of the Rick Pino song…..

    We have the best dad in the whole world
    in the whole world

    Thank you for sharing the awesomeness of Papa!

  7. the Healing Flow scarf is beautiful. I love, love, love how Abba always confirms His Word to us thru multiple, unrelated sources. Makes it very difficult to not beleive..

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